Dinner and Discussions

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(Make sure to play this track as you read through this chapter and tell me what you think of the remix. Please I love sharing the music that I listen to.)

Nicky was getting himself ready for his get together with his friends. As surprising as it was, him and Maritza were slowly becoming interested for each other. It would take a while but it would all come together!

Nicky: "I've got myself all prepped up and I'll be leaving in several minutes."

Jay Roth: "I'll be rooting for you Narf."

Nicky felt a little flustered by that comment since he's told his parents one too many times, this wasn't a date. Even though Maritza will be present at a fancy restaurant there are still others present. Now he was starting to understand how Aaron felt every time he or his friends pair him together with Lucy Yi. But hey, matchmaking can be pretty hard to resist at times.

Lu Roth: "Remember to use good judgment and be yourself through and through."

Just then Nicky was alerted by his watch's notification.

Lu Roth: "And make sure to watch out for Vandals, Forest Protectors, and that blasted Guest. Those trouble makers are no good. Still can't forget that encounter Diane, Beatrix, and I had with them. I'm just grateful Beatrix brought her pepper spray and taser with her."

Nicky: "I'll take your words into consideration Mom and it"

Jay: "Well Lu, our son's right. Looks like times ticking and we better get ourselves ready."

Nicky: "Oh, where are you going?"

Jay: "Well Theo has invited us over to discuss and negotiate on the plans for the Golden Apple Amusement Park. The construction is going well and we seem to be making progress."

Lu: "I just hope Quentin and Theo don't spook us with any scary theories on the Guest or Forest Protectors. I've been getting nightmares about those folks."

Little did Luanne know was that in Raven Brooks besides the crows and the ravens that dwell in this town, Nightmares were a common occurrence for many of the inhabitants. Several minutes later the doorbell rang and Jay answered the door only to encounter Maritza.

Jay Roth: "So you're Narf's partner in crime. Your father's shared many tales about you." 

Nicholas Roth Maritza Esposito could only glow in slight embarrassment. but as soon as everyone got we'll acquainted together and share their plans for the night(along with some ground rules on when to return home and the potential consequences if they get into any trouble as well) everyone went their separate ways doing their own thing.

Nicky: "Man oh man was that something else."

Maritza: "I just hope my dad was careful on some of the memories he shared with your dad."

Nicky: "Oh I'm sure he was careful."

The lad Nicholas knew that both parents were not that considerate when it comes to swapping stories of their children's adventures and would make sure to explain every detail of it and he knew his father was told a lot about the Esposito kids by Miguel Esposito, but since he was the adventures and active type, the hardly ha any time to pay any time to them.

Maritza: "I know very well that the adults are going to have a field day swapping a plethora of our adventures and encounters all night."

The two were then giving each other the heads up on how their day went. As this was going on, Nicky noticed Maritza's phone. Now, during their previous encounter with the Forest Protectors, Maritza accidentally damaged her phone during an escape.

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