Guest Who is coming for Dinner

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Maritza: "Was jogging around the neighborhood while listening to some music. Her week was pretty busy for her and she intended to keep herself in good shape to be ready for anything. There was also of activity she was engaging in and she was staying on top of it all.

Maritza: "Gotta admit, this hasn't been an easy task but as long as I have the strength and energy in me, I am determine to finish this through and through."

Nicky was also tackling his own things. Fortunately the lad was on top thanks to his persistent nature. As the lad was heading to the Inventor's Club he encountered a cheerful and confident Maritza Esposito vibing to her track.

Maritza: "Hi-ya Nick."

Nicky: "Mari, great to see you."

As the two were catching up on their weeks when they arrived at the Inventor's Club. Everyone was doing their own thing. Ivan was enjoying some cheese crackers.

Enzo suddenly burst through the room.

Enzo: "Guys, I have something very important to tell you."

Maritza: "Did you harass the ravens and got yourself pecked by them again?"

Enzo: "What? No! Mr. Peterson just suffered a massive concussion and is now hospitalized."

The whole group was shocked when they heard this turn of events. The Theodore Peterson, a masculine man who mostly drinks milks, trained his body to survive certain scenarios, and capable of constructing an amusement park along with a crazy house was facing massive injuries.

Nicky: "How in the actually heck did any of this happened?"

Enzo: "Well, a witness, whom just so happens to be my friend Quentin, claimed that he saw a tall and slender person in a crow costume grappling onto Mr. Peterson's house. Once he entered the house, a silhouette of Mr. Peterson being spoked by the weird man and got into some sort of struggle with him."

Ivan: "Was it that bad?"

Enzo: "Oh believe me  There was a lot of thumping and furniture getting thrown out and destroyed. I've never heard or even known that Theo spooked could ever get spooked like that."

Maritza: "Sheesh, what has that creep ever done to that other creep?"

Enzo: "I dunno, but from what I've heard, there's definitely some weird activity going around in that abandoned amusement park.

Speaking of which, at the Golden Apple amusement park.

Quentin: "I'm still surprised at how spooked Theodore Peterson was when the Guest broke into his home. That was pretty unusual even for him."

Beatrix: "Eh, who could blame him. If some idiot dress in a crow costume broke into my house I'd have lost my marbles. Heck the bum would be put out of his misery by my hands."

Quentin: "Oh I believe you. When it come to people who cross your path, you show now mercy."

Beatrix chuckled at her brother's remark. As the two were returning to their shifts they noticed that the Guest was heading to Raven Brooks, ready to harass and terrorize the townsfolk.

Quentin: "No way is that hooded creep out to create chaos for some poor soul. He already has us to deal with."

Beatrix: "I could really go for a pizza right now."

Quentin: "Really sis? Is that all you can think about right now."

Beatrix: "Bro I'm hungry as heck and as long as that bird is messing with someone else and not me, I could care less."

Nicky Roth x Maritza EspositoWhere stories live. Discover now