Hello Neighbor Tag-Team: Chapter 1

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(Ok this is going to be extremely insane and disturbing to some readers. This is what I think would happen in the books of Hello Neighbor if they continued Nicky's story after the third book. I may divide and get a little wishy washy with some of the chapters by placing them around here and the Trinity x Enzo story.) (Warning, some of you are going to get judgmental about some of this.)

 It was a dreary time in Raven Brooks. Everyday Nicky's mother and father would go out into the streets of Raven Brooks yelling and wailing out their son's name in fear and desperation, hoping he would come out or if they would see him again. In the duration of the weeks to come. Miguel Esposito along with his family and the employees of the Raven Brooks Banner would do what they can to help out in the search for the lost boy by either printing out articles or keeping a look out in their own neighborhood.

As the day were going by, Jay Roth would plunge himself into a diabetic dessert disaster by consuming tons of Ho Hos whenever he was exhausted from the search and balancing the stress from his job, gobble down tons of Zingers from the excess depression of his son missing, ingest pairs of Twinkies while pondering on the locations, whereabouts, and heaven forbid, the worst disasters that would happen to his son, try to cheer himself up by getting high off of some Ding Dong ecstasy, and take up small amounts of Suzy Q's when he thinks he has a lead to his son only to be met with disappointment when he and his wife finds out it was a dead end and punish himself more by eating more Ding Dongs to cheer himself up and tons of Ho Hos due to the high levels of stress he has to deal with realizing what he wasted! As for Luanne Roth, she would become a walking disaster. She'd remember the last moments with her son, when she punished him, scolded him, and threw away his gadgets. She would never forgive herself for what she did during her last moments and it would take a toll on her mental health that she would not be able to maintain and handle her job. And she too may plunge into Jay Roth dessert ecstasy trying to control herself. In fact here's something what I'd imagine how this would play out.

Jay Roth hung his head in utter sadness while he was mouthing his zinger weakly. "Nicholas. He said making a small sob. Once jay swallows his Zinger he lets out a wail. NICHOLAS!!! NICHOLASSSS!!!! BAAAHAAAHAAAAAAA!!!! When Luanne heard the heartbroken father wailing like a depressed rabbi in such strong agony, this made her lose control of herself and she began shrieking like a banshee. She, the composed one of the family had finally snapped. She was no more the strong one of the household, for the realization that her son was no longer in her home and what she did to him plus the last words she said to him during the last time she had seen him made her angry at herself. She knew she could never reversed time and the thought that he was probably joined with the two missing Peterson children whom he was friends with, whom he was determined to find them when nobody else could. And now look at where she is. Her son is now missing and she would be the one to finally understand the pain he had felt when his friends were missing while she and her husband only encouraged him to "Let go and move on" in her words. "I'M A FAILURE AND AN AWFUL...AWFUL...AAAAAAGHHHHH." The heartbroken woman began destroying her kitchen and throwing many objects left and right. Jay knew he needed to calm his spouse down so when all his pleas and begging for her to not harm herself fell on deaf ears, he grabbed out a zinger and shoved it in her mouth. Next thing the worried husband saw were streams of hot tears pouring from her face. The heartbreak was irreparable. 

The Roth family weren't the only ones going through this depressing episode though.Three of Nicky's friends had to endure and feel the turmoil of this loss. First they lost Lucy Yi, then Aaron and Mya Peterson became missing, and now Nicky. This realization and reality was enough to make them wonder if they have this curse or jinx responsible for causing the disappearance of any friend that they meet and if it would only be a matter of time that curse got to any of them next.

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