Hello Neighbor Enigma Chapter 1: When an Stranger Enters Town

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(Ok, a little heads ups, I'm going to do a little AU-OC move on this chapter and some parts of this will contain so material from the books, but slightly altered there and there. So spoiler warning for those who haven't seen the books. 

Also this one along with any future chapters of this idea is inspired by Ice Scream and contains several elements similar to the game. I want to see how some of the characters will adapt to new environments and explore my imagination a bit with this. 

Also, it's best to play the video featured in this chapter as you read since that too has some bits and pieces to play in this and I'm start a new Hello Neighbor Fanmade Series Called Hello Enigma.)

It was March 17, the streets of Raven Brooks were sorta bittersweet. On one hand things were peaceful, but on the other hand, the town was facing some loses. And it wasn't just the financial kind, it was the living breathing human beings getting kidnapped kind of loses.

Ivan: "I'm a little nervous about the premiere date. I hope it releases around this week."

Delroy: "Well either way it has to be released around that day. The whole town would go into a frenzy. I mean, things need to be done around here and the people want action and answers!"

Ivan: "This town is getting more dangerous. I just hope something will be done."

Finch: "I think the Forest Protectors have a part to play in this. Kidnapping is one thin, but I have seen them operate in other ways. My years being a scout has taught me many, many methods."

The trio were then heading to an Italian restaurant to plunge themselves into a pasta paradise...No, oasis. The scene then changes to a different group of people.

Nicky: "So he was not in Friendly Court huh?"

Maritza: "Nope. Mr. Peterson was working on a new park in Bosco Bay the next year. He was testing a new attraction he was working on, The Pharaoh's tomb, which was an egyptian-themed ride."

Nicky: "Hmm. Then what happened?"

Enzo: "A boy named Joe snuck in and was caught in the corner of a track in the boulder room while it was being tested, and was killed. The park manager claimed they never okayed the ride's design. Theodore tried to cover it up, since the manager did not accept liability and the blame would be put on Mr. Peterson instead. The park was later demolished after Ferry Farm Funzone, Theodore's next park, was opened."

Nicky: "You know, social pressure would've played a big role in this since I believe there was sabotage. You also said that there were markings and tools lying all over the place. Kind of similar to what was done at the Golden Apple Amusement Park."

Maritza: "Well look at you defending Peterson."

Nicky: "Well I'm still not sure about him, but after learning about the Forest Protectors, the Guest, and seeing them in action, plus fleeing away from them made me see some sort of new perspective on what Peterson is trying to do."

Enzo: "The thing about Peterson is that the dude acts as if he has more than one person in that brain of his. One day he's a pretty jolly fella, the other day he's a mysterious cryptic fella, and on certain occasions he does release a bit of rage here and there."

Maritza: "You know, back then I was in your shoes too. I was worried if Peterson deliberately had Lucy Yi murdered at that Rotten Apple rollercoaster. However, as time passed and certain discoveries made, I now knew that other hands had some part in that."

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