Fame's Price

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"Please, Buggy, stop following me," Scarlet implores, her attempts to conceal her mounting irritation becoming increasingly challenging as he continues to walk alongside her through the town. The peculiar sight of this mismatched duo had already drawn the inquisitive gazes of passersby, and Scarlet found herself yearning more than ever to somehow distance herself from the clown.

The presence of Buggy has created a visible aura of unease in their vicinity. People instinctively maintain a cautious distance, exchanging hushed whispers behind the pair's backs. Scarlet, always feeling a sense of belonging in the tightly-knit community of Orange Town, now feels like an outsider.

Scarlet's heart aches even more with a mix of disappointment and empathy as she watches one of her students, a bright-eyed young boy named Paul, eagerly making his way toward her. His beaming smile and outstretched arms signal his eagerness to greet his beloved teacher, a moment that Scarlet cherishes in her role as an educator.

However, the innocence of Paul's gesture was abruptly extinguished like a snuffed candle as his mother, who had been walking closely behind him, caught sight of the unusual view before her. The moment her gaze falls upon Scarlet accompanied by the enigmatic figure of Buggy, her expression darkens, and she moves with swift, motherly authority.

With a stern scowl and a firm grip on Paul's arm, she swiftly pulls him away, effectively halting his approach. The disappointment etched across Paul's face mirroring the tangle of emotions swirling within Scarlet. It was a poignant reminder of the barriers imposed by prejudice and fear, as well as the pain inflicted on innocent hearts.

"They hate him, not me," she whispers to herself, trying to remind herself of the reality she faces. But despite her attempts to rationalize the situation, it does little to ease the ache in her heart.

As Buggy and Scarlet observe the incident with young Paul and his mother from a distance, Buggy can't help but let out a low chuckle. "Well, we sure dodged a cannonball there, didn't we? That little tyke could've run up and given you a big ol' hug getting his sticky fingers everywhere and probably smearing some snot on you, yuck."

Scarlet, however, doesn't share Buggy's feelings. She turns to him, her expression a mix of frustration and sadness. "You know, Buggy, I don't mind that at all. I like it when my students come up to me."

Buggy raises an eyebrow, genuinely surprised by Scarlet's response. "You actually like it when kids come up to you?" he asks, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Scarlet nods, her eyes reflecting a genuine sentiment. "Yes, in a way. I mean, it's not that I don't appreciate some moments of solitude," she admits with a small, self-reflective smile. "But being able to interact with children is the main reason why I love my profession. Their innocence, their curiosity, it all reminds me of the beauty of the world."

"You don't?" she questions him, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. Buggy shakes his head and offers an explanation. "Nah, they're annoying little bastards who don't appreciate my art."

"But," Scarlet stops herself, debating if it's truly her place to question the man and possibly anger him in the process, "you're a clown..."

She pauses for a moment, glancing at Buggy to gauge his response. However, the clown remains silent, his inscrutable expression betraying little of his thoughts. Scarlet decides to change the topic of their conversation, curiosity getting the better of her. "Why are you following me?"

The question hangs in the air, a subtle tension accompanying it, as Scarlet awaits Buggy's response. "I want to see what you do on a normal day," Buggy replies, his words laced with a flirtatious undertone. He leans in closer to her, casting a wink her way, his mischievous grin taking on a more seductive edge. "I want to see what you do when you're not on stage with me."

Scarlet, however, was not one to easily succumb to such advances. She rolls her eyes in exasperation, her patience clearly wearing thin as she responds to his playful overtures. "This is not a 'normal day' for me," she retorted, "I usually work Monday to Friday, but due to us all attending your show yesterday, the school's closed for today."

Buggy's self-satisfied grind remains firmly in his face as he absorbs her words. "So, it's your day off," he observes, his voice smooth and suggestive. "You're welcome, sweets." His playful banter was unrelenting, and he seemed to relish the back-and-forth, determined to keep the intriguing dynamic between them alive.

The ongoing exchange between Scarlet and Buggy continues to captivate the attention of curious onlookers nearby. A small crowd had begun to form in the distance, their curiosity piqued by the unusual spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

Whispers and hushed conversations spread through the gathering crowd as they try to make sense of the teacher's interactions with the eccentric clown pirate. The blend of exasperation, flirtation, and tension between the two added an air of unpredictability to the scene, and bystanders couldn't help but be drawn into the drama.

Buggy, ever the performer who thrives on the attention of an audience, couldn't help but notice the growing number of curious onlookers who had gathered to witness the unfolding drama between him and the young teacher. It was as if an invisible spotlight had been cast upon them, and he relished the opportunity to provide the gathered crowd with a spectacle worth observing.

With a flourish of theatrical panache, Buggy captures Scarlet's hand in his own, gracefully tugging her closer to him. His actions are both bold and flirtatious, leaving an unmistakable trace of intimacy in their wake. Scarlet, feeling herself drawn into this unexpected closeness, feels her cheeks warm with a rush of embarrassment.

As Buggy holds her close, their proximity seems to short-circuit her normally composed mind. Her thoughts stumble over themselves as she grapples with the situation, uncertain about how to navigate the electrifying tension that envelopes them.

"I'm sure you've already noticed," Buggy inquires, his voice carrying a teasing lilt as a mischievous grin dances across his painted lips. "I'm a performer at heart. I can certainly entertain you." He punctuates this offer with a playful wink, his charismatic and flirtatious demeanor in full bloom.

In that fleeting, unexpected moment, a single word reverberates through Scarlet's mind: "Shit." This was undoubtedly a situation she hadn't anticipated nor desired. Her heart seems to beat with a rapid intensity that threatens to drown out every other sensation, and despite her best efforts, she finds herself unable to form a coherent sentence.

Scarlet's mind becomes a tempest of anxiety, her thoughts swirling like a hurricane as she grapples with the gravity of the situation. The piercing gaze of the surrounding crowd burns into her, intensifying the already tumultuous whirlwind of emotions.

Even as Buggy revels in the spotlight, basking in the undivided attention of the gathering crowd, a shrewd observer would notice his awareness of the discomfort etched across Scarlet's face. Despite his delight in the charming flush that graces her cheeks, he can't ignore the clear unease that has gripped her.

To the clown's discerning eye, it is clear that Scarlet's unease stemmed primarily from the watchful eyes of the onlookers rather than his own behavior. He harbors the belief that he, in his flamboyant persona, had nothing to do with her discomfort. With this understanding, he couldn't help but let out a sharp command, addressing the crowd with a voice that could make even the boldest spectators shiver.

"Hey" Everybody gets lost at once!" Buggy's voice slices through the air like a blade, causing the people to stir and their whispers to come to an abrupt halt. The shock of his command holds them in place for a moment, rendering them speechless and motionless.

"Are you deaf?" Buggy continues, his tone laced with irritation. "I said to get moving! If you want to see one of my performances, then buy a ticket and show up at one of the monthly shows."

Finally, as if propelled by his sharp words, the spectators hurriedly scatter, leaving Buggy and Scarlet alone in the wake of their hasty retreat. The sudden stillness in the air was a stark contrast to the earlier commotion, and it allowed a sense of privacy to settle between them once more.

With a whimsical glint in his eyes, Buggy looks down at Scarlet, a sly smile playing on his lips as he asks, "Now, where are we going, sweets?"

Scarlet, her thoughts still somewhat tangled from the recent whirlwind of events, finds herself momentarily taken aback. It was as if the question had caught her off guard, and before she could fully process it, her voice slipped out in an almost automatic response, "The school."

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