The Elephant in the Room

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From the other side of the door, Scarlet could hear the unmistakable sounds of shuffling and stirring. It is followed by a series of heavy, impatient footsteps that resonate through the wooden floor. Captain Buggy's gruff voice slices through the silence, sharp and unwelcoming, as he tersely instructs the intruder to "fuck off."

Scarlet stood there in the dimply lit hallway, a mix of anxiety and determination coursing through her. She waits a moment, hoping for a more receptive response, but the door remains closed, and Captain Buggy shows no sign of inviting her in.

Not one to be easily discouraged after coming this close to her goal, she raises her hand once more and knocks on the door to Buggy's cabin, determined to have him listen to whatever whirlwind of thoughts and feelings she'll unleash on him.

"For fuck's sake!" Captain Buggy's voice thunders through the closed door, his curses echoing in the narrow hallway. His frustration is palpable as he shouts at the persistent knocker. "I told you shitidiots that I'm in a bad fucking mood today and to leave me the fuck alone!"

His heavy, agitated steps grow louder as he approaches the door, his temper flaring.

With an abrupt motion, Captain Buggy yanks the door open, his face twisted in anger and annoyance as he prepares to unleash his wrath upon the intruder. "This better be damn important, or I'll have your head!" he threatens vehemently.

However, as the door hangs wide open, his furious gaze meets not the defiant stares of one of his crewmembers but rather the drenched figure of Scarlet. Water collected around her, dripping from her soaked clothes and the ends of her hair.

The venom and anger in his blue eyes swiftly dissipate, replaced by a mixture of astonishment, concern, and disbelief. "W-Wha-" Buggy begins to stammer in confusion, his voice trailing off as he struggles to find words to express his astonishment. Before he can gather his thoughts or formulate a coherent question, Scarlet summons all her determination and pushes forcefully against his firm chest.

The unexpected shove catches the pirate off guard, his surprise mirrored in the widened expanse of his eyes. Buggy stumbles backward, his booted feet scuffing across the cabin's wooden floor as he fights to regain his balance. With a swift reflex due to a life on the high seas, he manages to steady himself quickly.

"You ruined everything!" Scarlet's voice reverberates through the cabin as she storms in, allowing the door to slam shut behind her. Her steps are resolute as she narrows the distance between her and Buggy. Fueled by anger and frustration, she delivers another forceful shove, sensing how he yields to her, whether intentionally or due to his bewildered state of mind.

"Everything was going perfectly," she continues, her hand striking his chest with a flat palm, not causing any real harm. "But then you appeared and ruined my reputation!" Her words bristle with bitterness as she vents her pent-up emotions.

"Sweets..." Buggy begins, struggling to find the right words, but he halts when he notices Scarlet advancing toward him once more. He braces himself for another confrontation, ready to face her anger hand-on.

However, as he watches, all that registers in his vision is a sudden blur of her hair swaying before his eyes. Before he can muster a response, Scarlet's cold, damp body collides with his own. In that moment, confusion overtakes the poor man completely. He remains rooted in place, now standing there in the middle of his cabin with Scarlet leaning against him, the shock of the unexpected change of events leaving him temporarily speechless and bewildered.

She presses herself tightly against the pirate, her fingers clutching his shirt with a desperate grip as she buries her face in his chest. The few shoves she had delivered, driven by a torrent of emotions, had taken up every ounce of her remaining energy. Her initial frustration and anger are now gone almost entirely.

"Everything's falling apart," Scarlet mumbles into Buggy's shirt, her voice muffled by the fabric. She presses her face even deeper into the cloth, inhaling the familiar scent of the pirate that had become such a significant part of her life over the past few days.

Buggy carefully lifts his arms, embracing the young woman with a gentle and cautious touch. He doesn't want to make her feel trapped or overwhelmed, even though she seems to be seeking comfort in their closeness. He lets his gloved fingers run down her spine, enjoying how it feels to hold her close, knowing that he can provide some kind of comfort for her in that moment.

With a soft, soothing tone, he shushes her tenderly, using his other hand to rest it on the back of her head, his fingers gently threading through her locks. "Shhh," he whispers, his voice a calming balm. "It's alright... Everything's going to be alright."

Buggy continues to gaze at Scarlet's back in a comforting manner, his touch gentle and reassuring. The pitter-patter of rain against the ship's hull provided a soothing backdrop to their moment of shared vulnerability. As their breaths gradually synchronized, their heartbeats slowed down in union, creating a tranquil rhythm that seemed to bridge the emotional chasm between them.

In an uncharacteristically soft tone of voice, Buggy breaks the silence, his concern evident. "What's falling apart, love?" he asks, his words carrying a genuine sincerity.

"Everything," Scarlet mutters in response, finally ready to lift her head from his chest, noticing how she immediately misses his warmth and comfort but decides against giving in to her desires and taking a step back. "I was a respected part of the town's community; a teacher, everybody loved. But now, ..."

With a weary gesture, she rubs her eyes, wiping away the last few tears that still cling to her cheeks. Gathering herself, she reaches into her jacket pocket and retrieves the crumpled piece of paper. Carefully, she hands it to Buggy, who accepts it with a nod of acknowledgment. Swiftly, he scans the information contained on the paper, his eyes absorbing the details with a focused intensity.

"Fuck them," he offers as advice, his voice tinged with anger. "They clearly don't know what they're doing. I've seen a lot of bullshit in my life, but this takes the cake."

In that brief moment, her grand problem starts to diminish, gradually becoming smaller. When she's by his side, nothing related to the village truly holds significance anymore. Scarlet has noticed that before already while drawing in her school or watching him perform his juggling act at the circus. Life becomes easier when Buggy's around.

As Scarlet's giggle rungs out in the small cabin, Buggy can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over him. Her laughter, albeit brief, carries a touch of genuine warmth that seems to dispel some of the heaviness that had weighed down their conversation. It was a small victory, but one that made him proud.

"You can't say that," she playfully scolds the clown, her laughter bubbling up as their eyes lock. Scarlet's shaking her head with a mischievous grin, finding delight in their shared moments again.

"I love that sound," rushes through Buggy's head without him being able to register that though probably. To him, hearing Scarlet laugh is as if a ray of sunshine breaks through the clouds, making his heart skip a beat, and causing himself to smile, his eyes softening as his gaze lingers on the woman before him.

Looking at her more closely, now that the fear of being pushed around, Buggy notices that Scarlet's lips have taken on a faint bluish hue, likely due to the cold or distress. Her knees tremble with a visible shiver, and her fingertips appear to be reddened, possibly a sign of the chilly temperature she has been exposed to.

Concern fills him as he recognizes the physical toll this encounter must have taken on her, prompting him to act with even greater care and consideration.

"You must be freezing," he remarks, setting the letter she had given him on the nearest surface. With gentle concern, he places one hand on the small of her back, guiding her carefully toward his private bathroom.

"Buggy..." Scarlet tries to intervene, but the pirate shakes his head, stopping her before uttering another word.

"I don't want to hear it," he insists, his voice carrying a tone of firm resolve, while still laced with warmth and care. "Take a hot shower, and I'll see what I can find for you in terms of dry clothes."

Guiding her into the bathroom, he closes the door behind him, granting her a moment of privacy to prepare for the comforting embrace of the hot shower.

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