Bonding Through Care

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After closing the bathroom door behind him, Buggy leans against it, his chest rising and falling with each anxious breath. The sound of running water from the shower can be heard through the closed door after a few minutes, and the reality of the situation begins to sink in.

He knows he needs to find something for Scarlet to wear after her shower, but the mere thought of her in nothing but his clothes sends a shiver down his spine. He paces around his cabin, frantically searching for something suitable. Finally, he locates one of his shirts, a loose-fitting garment that he thought might suffice.

However, as he holds the shirt in his hands, his mind begins to play tricks on him. He imagines Scarlet wearing it, the oversized fabric falling gently against her body, her delicate features peeking out from the collar. The image sends his heart racing, and he feels a flush of heat rising to his cheeks.

"No, no, no", he mumbles under his breath, frustration evident in his voice as he holds the shirt while frantically rummaging through a pile of clothing in search of an alternative for her. He's determined to find something more suitable – perhaps an oversized garment or a pair of pants that won't slip down her rounded hips, ensuring she won't be left exposed with only his shirt to shield her otherwise naked body.

"Get it together," he urges himself through gritted teeth, clenching them firmly as he strives to regain his composure. "I'm a man. I'm a strong man feared by thousands," he reminds himself of his identity with a determined affirmation. "I'm not behaving like some teenage boy," Buggy scolds himself, determined to exhibit strength.

"Buggy?" Scarlet calls out to him, her voice bringing him back to reality.

He turns to see the bathroom door opening slightly, allowing Scarlet to peer out. Buggy's gaze quickly takes in the sight of her, covered only by one of his towels. The decision about the shirt was made for him at that moment; he couldn't possibly let her wear just a towel or have her stand there basically exposed while he kept searching for a more suitable garment.

Without a single word, he tensely walks over and hands her the shirt, his actions speaking louder than any words he could muster. Turning away to give her privacy, he hears her soft "Thank you" before the bathroom door closes once more. The clown can't help but let out a relieved sigh, grateful for the small reprieve from the turmoil of his racing thoughts.

As Scarlet emerges from the bathroom, now dressed in Buggy's shirt, a soft smile gracing her face, Buggy finds himself momentarily captivated by her presence. She seems to not mind the minimal clothing, not feeling uncomfortable with his lingering stares on her exposed thighs.

He clears his throat, forcing himself to look away, opting to stare at the blank wall to his left instead, trying to regain his composure, and suggests, "You should stay here." He swallows, noticing how dry his throat is suddenly. "It's raining cats and dogs out there. Only a maniac would let a woman walk back home and possibly let her catch her death in the process."

He gestures towards his bed on the other side of the room. It's small but looks very cozy; the perfect size to convey a sense of warmth and comfort. The soft sheets are neatly lucked in, creating a snug cocoon that promises a restful night's sleep. Scarlet can truly imagine herself sleeping there, her head on the pillows lining the headboard.

"I'll find somewhere else to sleep, so you can have the room to yourself." Buggy begins to turn away, fully intending to leave the room, but his movements halt as Scarlet's fingers lightly hold onto his sleeve.

"Don't leave." Her voice is gentle, and she looks up at him with blushed cheeks, making Buggy's heart race faster. "Please?" she adds in a whispery tone.

"I," the pirate swallows hard, feeling how another lump starts to form in his throat, "I really shouldn't." He tries to peel her hand away from his sleeve very carefully, not noticing how this causes her to hold onto him strongly.

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