Bonding at Sea

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As the ship set sell, a surge of activity ripples through the entire crew, and Buggy was no exception. He reluctantly leaves Scarlet's side, promising, "I'll be back in no time," as he briskly makes his way toward a group of his crew members who grapple with an unidentified challenge on the opposite side of the ship.

From where Scarlet stands, she can't exactly see what the problem is, but the intensity of Buggy's shouting leaves little doubt that something had gone wrong that sounds go wrong under any circumstances.

As Scarlet observes the crew members around her, each engrossed in their respective tasks, she can't help but feel a bit out of place. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, unsure of where she might fit in and how she could contribute.

In a moment of uncertainty, her gaze inadvertently meets that of a female pirate who's deftly tying thick ropes into knots. "That looks simple enough," Scarlet thinks and promptly decides it appears manageable enough for her to try.

With newfound determination, she moves towards the capable pirate, ready to lend a hand and finally find her place among the bustling crew.

"Miss Moore!" the female pirate exclaims warmly, momentarily setting aside her task to give Scarlet her undivided attention. "How can I help you?"

Scarlet's laughter dances lightly through the air as she offers her hand and she gently shakes her head, erasing any hint of formality that might have lingered. "No need for formalities," she insists, her friendly smile inviting camaraderie. "I'm Scarlet." Their handshake solidifies a connection between the two women, bridging the gap between their different worlds.

"I'm Ruby," the pirate introduces herself in a welcoming tone, her rough hand engulfing Scarlet's with a sense of warmth. Ruby's hands bore the unmistakable marks of her life as a pirate, with their rugged texture serving as a testament to years of hard labor and salty sea air. In contrast, Scarlet's hands remained soft, a poignant reminder of the stark contrast between her past and the future that now lies ahead.

"Can I help you with the ropes? I kind of feel useless right now. I've never sailed before," Scarlet waits for the answer as the salty tang of the sea, and the gritty work of the crew around her are a stark reminder of the new reality she faces. Yet, in Ruby's outstretched hand, she finds a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty of her future as a pirate.

"Absolutely!" Ruby replies with enthusiasm. She gestures for Scarlet to come closer and hands her a section of the rope. Ruby patiently guides Scarlet through the intricacies of knotting them together securely, ensuring they won't unravel during the voyage. Scarlet earnestly attempts to mimic Ruby's deft movements.

As they compare their work, it is evident that Ruby's rope is sturdy and well-knotted, while Scarlet's remains somewhat loose – a knot that might not hold for even five minutes. The two women exchange a bemused glance, contemplating what to say, when suddenly, the knot gives way, and the rope tumbles down.

Ruby chuckles at the sight and offers Scarlet an encouraging pat on the back. "Not bad for the first try," she decides, radiating positivity. "Give it another shot!"

"Alright," Scarlet affirms, picking up the rope and resuming her efforts with renewed determination. Ruby observes her intently, her experienced eyes taking in the dedication with which she tackles her task. She admires the newcomer's earnestness, but curiosity still lingers.

"So," Ruby begins a new conversation, careful not to interrupt Scarlet's concentration, "Do you already know what you want to do now that you're an official part of the crew?"

Scarlet pauses for a moment, finishing her knot before realizing it still wasn't up to par, prompting her to start over. "I'm still figuring it out," she admits with a sigh. "I can't be a teacher here, so I have to try and find something else I'm good at, in order to be useful."

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