Lost and Found

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Scarlet's slumber is deep and restorative, the kind that comes from a soul in need of rest. As the first light of dawn begins to creep through her window, her eyes flutter open, and she finds herself stirring awake, her internal clock seemingly set to an early hour.

Her gaze wanders around the dimly lit room, trying to piece together where she is and how she ended up on her couch. Then the memories of the past day come flooding back, bringing a mix of emotions along with them. She remembers the exhausting lesson at school, the encounter with her fellow teacher Mrs. Anderson, the stares following her home, and of course the comforting embrace of Buggy's coat that had enveloped her in warmth and security.

With a soft sigh, Scarlet pushes herself upright and rubs the sleep from her eyes. Her small house feels chilly in the early hours of the morning, the absence of Buggy's coat as her makeshift blanket leaving her yearning for its comforting presence. With a sense of longing, she retrieves the coat and quickly drapes it around her shoulder once more, finding solace in its familiar scent.

The dim light reveals her surroundings, and Scarlet decides to seize the opportunity of an early start to the day. She needs to keep her mind occupied and focused, lest the thoughts and worries that have plagued her in recent days begin to spiral once more.

With Buggy's coat providing both warmth and a sense of closeness, she makes her way to her desk. As she sits down and opens a notebook, the soft scratching of her pen on paper fills the quiet room. With each stroke of the pen, Scarlet finds a measure of peace and purpose.

Scarlet had been engrossed in her work at the desk, her pen dancing across the paper as her thoughts flowed freely. But then, something in her peripheral vision catches her attention – a drawing of the clown pirate ship, hanging on her pinwall.

The drawing was one of the many things that were destroyed by the town's people, who broke into her home. Luckily Scarlet managed to find all the pieces and with some tape, she put the drawing back together. Still, it is evident that the drawing was once shredded into five different pieces with much force and the clear intent to inflict pain on her.

The memories of the attack, make Scarlet set aside her work and reach out to take the drawing, her fingers gently tracing the lines and contours of the ship. As she holds the drawing, a swirl of different emotions and memories wash over her. Thoughts of Buggy, their time together, and his last words bounce around in her mind; especially his offer.

"Join my crew."

Scarlet holds the drawing close, pressing it against her chest, while trying to decide what's best for her in the long run. "I can't stay here," she eventually whispers, the damaged paper under his fingertips a constant reminder of what the people are willing to do to her when she's not doing what they expect.

"Fuck this place!" She yells loud enough that she wonders if her neighbors might hear her.

With determination and a sense of urgency, she glances at the clock on her wall. It reads 5:30 a.m. "I hope it's not too late," Scarlet murmurs as she places the drawing back on her desk.

She rushes to the door, her heart pounding with anticipation and anxiety. In her haste, she didn't bother to grab anything, but she was grateful for the warmth of Buggy's coat enveloping her as soon as she stepped out into the chilly morning.

Scarlet races towards the harbor, her heartbeat pounding in her chest, echoing the rhythm of her anxious thoughts. She could feel the cold morning air stinging her cheeks, her breath forming visible puffs in the chilly darkness.

Fear gnaws at her as she imagines the pirate ship already setting sail, leaving her behind. The thought of not seeing Buggy again, of missing the chance to tell him that she changed her mind, fills her with dread. She pushes herself harder, her feet pounding against the cobblestone streets as she rounds the final corner.

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