The Rhythm of Movement

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Content Warning: Smut


Scarlet leans against the weathered railing of the pirate ship, her hair catching the salty breeze that dances through the night. The open sea stretches before her, its inky depths illuminated by a celestial spectacle of stars, their twinkling reflections shimmering upon the restless waters.

In that moment, as the cosmos paints itself upon the ocean's canvas, Scarlet feels as though she stands at the very heart of the universe. It is a breathtaking, ethereal beauty that holds her captive, weaving her soul into the timeless tapestry of the night.

The deck lies shrouded in profound silence, a testament to the late hour when most of the crew had already sought solace in their bunks. The only sounds that disrupt the tranquillity are the measured cadence of footsteps, their approach growing steadily louder. With each echo, Scarlet's head quickens, knowing the distinctive sound very well.

She turns her head slightly to the side as a pair of strong arms envelop her from behind. Buggy's chin finds its comfortable perch on her shoulder. He peers over it, his blue eyes following her line of sight to the mesmerizing celestial reflection upon the water.

"I have never seen anything this beautiful," Scarlet confesses, her gaze still firmly fixed on the vast expanse of the sea before her. Buggy's attention shifts from the shimmering waters to her, and he regards the side of her head with an unspoken awe.

"I have," he replies softly, his voice carrying a note of sentiment.

Scarlet turns toward him, a curious spark in her eyes, eager to know what he finds more beautiful than this starlit spectacle that envelopes them. However, the moment their eyes meet, a silent understanding passes between them. She doesn't need words to comprehend his sentiment; it is etched in his gaze.

Unable to suppress a soft, melodious giggle, Scarlet playfully teases, "Oh god, that's cheesy."

Buggy's face flushes a deep shade of crimson, his eyes widening with a mixture of embarrassment and fear that he might have ruined the delicate moment between them. The weight of potentially tainting something so breathtakingly beautiful as their newly established relationship creeps through his body.

But before his unease could settle in too deep, Scarlet's reassuring words cut through the tension. "I love it," she confesses, her smile warm and genuine. In those simple words, she lets him know that she cherishes the way he expresses himself, even when his mouth seems to outrun his brain.

The words "And I love you" lie on the tip of Buggy's tongue, pleading for him to release them, but he summons the restraint to pull them back, swallowing the affectionate confession. Instead, he gently lifts his head from its resting place on her shoulder, a reluctant loosening of the embrace as he grasps her hand with his own. His fingers entwined with hers, gently tugging at her, silently beckoning her to follow him.

"It's getting late," he speaks softly, his voice carrying a tone of genuine care, and he gazes into her eyes. "Let's go to bed."

Scarlet nods in agreement, a warm and understanding smile gracing her lips. She allows him to guide her under the weathered wooden deck, their steps echoing softly through the narrow hallway that leads to the captain's cabin.

The soft thud of the cabin door closing behind them marks their retreat from the world outside. In the cozy seclusion of their shared space, Scarlet seizes the opportunity for intimacy, her eyes alight with desire and affection. She turns towards Buggy, her heart racing with the knowledge that they truly are alone for the first time of the day, their private haven promising the freedom to express their feelings.

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