The Choices We Make

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As the first rays of morning sunshine gently breach the cabin window, Scarlet stirs from her peaceful slumber, the gentle rocking of the ship beneath her adding to the serenity of the moment. She nestles deeper into the warmth of the bed, savoring the cocoon of comfort that had enveloped her throughout the night.

It was a rare and cherished feeling, one she hadn't experienced in what felt like an eternity, perhaps never before in her life. The tranquillity of the moment is punctuated by the gentle, steady rhythm of a nearby heartbeat, a soothing lullaby coaxing Scarlet back toward slumber. She can't help but smile as she wraps her arms around the source of warmth and comfort, letting out a content sigh.

The man beside her mirrors her movements in his sleep. He instinctively embraces her, drawing her a little closer as he nuzzles his face into the crown of her head, inhaling the faint, familiar scent of soap lingering in her locks.

Neither one of them wants this moment to end, but as a timid knock echos through the captain's cabin, Scarlet and Buggy begin to stir.

Scarlet buries her face in the crook of his neck, a feeble attempt to hide from any potential intruders, while Buggy, his face scrunching up in annoyance, places his hand gently on the back of her bead, running his fingers through her hair to comfort her.

A tense silence, once again, envelopes them, creating a false sense of security. But it was short-lived, shattered by the slow and careful creaking of the cabin door as someone from the outside gingerly pushed it open, just enough to stick their head inside.

"Captain?" The intruder's voice quivers with fear as he peers into the dimly lit room, struggling to make out the figures within.

"Fuck off," grumbles Buggy, his voice laced with irritation. He makes no effort to open his eyes or to rise from the comfortable cocoon of blankets that enshroud him. The interruption was unwelcome, and he had no intention of getting out of bed, leaving Scarlet's side to deal with it.

"But, Captain," the man persists, pushing the door a little wider. More artificial light streams into the room, casting long shadows and revealing the telltale signs of a morning that had been disturbed. The man's gaze settled on the mound of blankets that conceal Buggy's form, and he finally pots the distinctive tufts of blue hair poking out from beath the layers.

"Someone infiltrated the ship last night," the man continues, his voice tinged with worry. He knew that their lax security might bring Buggy's wrath down upon him, and he wanted to convey the seriousness of the situation. "The idiots on guard duty let her waltz right in. She claimed to be looking for you."

"I don't care," Buggy grumbled, knowing who his crew member was revering to, but not in the mood to explain it to him in the early morning.

"Captain," the man persisted, refusing to be brushed off without clarifications, "This is serious. We've looked everywhere, but she's nowhere to be found. One man insisted that she's no threat, but we have to make sure."

"Congratulations," Scarlet interjects, her voice firm and unwavering. She sits upright in the bed next to Buggy, her gaze fixed on the intruder with an expression that could cut through steel. "You found me."

The man, still reeling from his audacity in interrupting their moment of peace, finds himself unable to form words in response to her piercing stare.

The silent standoff continues, with the man opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, his eyes darting between Scarlet's raised eyebrow and Buggy's amused smile. The clown pirate lays on his back, appearing utterly untroubled by the interruption now that it offers some form of entertainment.

"C-Captain," the man finally stammers, "I-I didn't know!" However, he seems to be frozen, unable to leave the cabin on his own.

Scarlet eventually turns her expectant gaze towards Buggy, conveying her request for the intruder to be gone. Understanding her silent plea, Buggy sits up beside her, fixing the intruder with a piercing stare that makes the man squirm even more.

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