chapter 3, highschool drama

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"Sup dude!" 

Connor turned around. "oh, hi marco!" Connor laughed as Marco ran up to him, despite all the bad looks people were giving him for being loud. "What classes do you have today?" He laughed putting his arm around connor. "Art, English, religion, math and a free last period" Connor replied walking down the corridor filled with kids laughing and yelling. 

"beat him up!" 

"gurl slay!" 

"fight! fight! fight!" 

"go amanda go!"

Connor and Marco eyes widened. "Huh i wonder what's going on?" Marco laughed before dragging Connor by the hand to were the ruckus was happening. In the middle of the corridor was blood. A group of kids hovered around where the noise was heard. blood was on the floor leaking out of the Croud towards Connor. "What the hell is happening!?" Connor jumped surprised at the blood on the floor soaking into his white sneakers. "aww these were brand new" he whined before someone turned around from the circle and went to talk to the two. "Hi!" she laughed. her hair was a caramel color and she had Light blue eyes like diamonds. she blushed a light pink color when she was looking at Marco. " Amanda is in a fight with N-Nathane."  she stuttered before going back to the ring of people. 

Marco grabbed Connor's hand.  Marco ran to the ring and pushed through judgy people. they sneered but Marco didn't care, but Connor... he cared to much. he was still affected by how much he had failed to capture woman heroic. it was an order and he didn't know how his boss was going to take it but it wouldn't be good. He wanted to have an ok ego at his high school. people were kind but there were some bullies and gang's in the school. 

Meet the F.F.Q.s (Friendly, ferocious queens) ! the leader of the group is called Amelia, she has nice dirty blond hair with flower clips and like the color pink. then there is Stacey, the group drama queen who loves the color blue and is a bit of a theatre kid. Sophie, she is quite nice and likes the color yellow. she has nice long brown hair. then last of all is Amanda. she likes the color red and has orange hair. she would always stand out and would often get into fights but is quite nice. as long as you don't be mean to her brother. 

Tw: Transphobic stupid Nathane which is getting beat up because he is.

Nathane is a jock. he's a bully and is known for being rude to everyone. He bullies a lot of people including Amanda's brother, Aiden because he is trans. everyone is fed up with Nathane but he's rich so his friend still hang out with him for money and i don't think Nathane minds to be honest. He bullies Connor because Connor is a bit anti-social and his only friend is Marco.


"sup dork!" Nathane laughed as he pinned Connor the locker. "N- Nathane what do you w- want." Connor tried to sound confident but still stuttered and looked down. "Now how about you hand over that nice little necklace because boys don't wea-" He Smiled before getting slapped. "Knock it off Nathane!" Amanda yelled before reaching for her hocky stick. "Now fuck off fuck face before i best your teeth into your throat!" Connor ran. as fast as he could he ran outside of the building. he bumped into someone. it was Marco from his school. "Oh" Marco turned to see Connor. "sorry, dude who are you?" he held out his hand. 

Connor took his hand and brushed himself up. "Im... Connor" He mumbled before Marco clenched onto his hand. "nice! im Marco dude" He Laughed before walking across the Street still holding his hand. Mothers with children gave him bad looks but Marco still didn't care. 

"get back here nerd!" 

Connor shuttered. Marco squeezed Connor hand and ran into the alley. they both hid behind the bin as Nathane ran past the alley.  "Thanks Marco" Connor smiled. "Yeah dude i was going here anyway lol" He peeked around the corner and put the rude finger at the Nathane running in the other direction. "Just having a look in the bins lol" Marco smiled awkwardly. "Why?" Connor asked while Marco lifted the lid up off the bin. "well you can find some of the best shit in the bins behind the laboratory" he laughed jumping in. "Huh, okay..." Connor said while trying to get into the bin with Marco. He couldn't get in though. "hah! lemme help ya out brother" He laughed lifting Connor in the bin with him. Connor stumbled onto Marco's chest. they both blushed before Connor quickly Sat up. " uhh sorry" He looked down. "nah its kay'" Marco laughed still Blushing a bit. 

After some searching

"OHH! look what i found bro! yeeeaahh baby!" Marco lifted a small vile of glowing green liquid. "I think you should put it down, there might be a reason why its in the bin" Connor anxiously asked. "meh it should be fine bro" Marco reassured . "Hey nerd!" Nathane ran up to the alley. "Shit" Connor Muttered before Nathane taking the green ooze out of Marco's bag despite marco trying to fight back. 

End of flashback

Aiden was watching in awe as his sister was beating the absolute shit out of Nathane. Nathane's friends tried to stop Amanda from hitting him but she continued. She got off of Nathane's body. Nathane had a bloody nose and lot of bruises but no broken bones. "c'mon Aiden lets go" she muttered before Aiden was blabbering about how much it meant to him and how she beat  is ass and it was karma blah blah blah while they both strutted in hall. the ring of people stared in awe before Nathans friends lifted him up and took him to the nurse. "God dang it! we missed it!" Marco complained before sighing and they both walked towards art class. 

at lunch

"damn, i wonder if Nathane is ok..." Connor pondered. "why out of all the people would you care?" Marco replied smiling as they took there seat at the lunch table before getting food out of his bag. "Lemme guess? Nathane's friends took your lunch?" Marco asked. "yeah..." Connor laughed awkwardly. "You need to learn to stick up for yourself boi!" Marco handed him half of his sandwich. "promise me bro" He sternly said putting his hand on Connor's shoulder leaning closer to Connor's face.

"Gay!" Stacey shouted laughing as the F.F.Q.s stared then burst out laughing. Marco suddenly pulled away. He turned back to Connor. "Promise?" He Looked at Connor. "Promisseee" Connor finally gave in and they both ate lunch while getting call homosexuals and other words. "anyway, have you heard about the villain? y'know doctor sunshine?" Marco asked with food in his mouth. Connor swallowed his food. "Yeah, i think he's pretty cool but woman heroic is so cool" Connor replied because he liked talking about his second life as a villain . his second life, his escape from reality where he could do anything he wanted. and no one would know.

Now this is mick here, this is based in a non existent city called "you decide in the comments" but they bring there own lunch and buy stuff from the canteen like lunch or Lolly's or chips because that just how Aussie lunch's work where i live lol. anyway Marco is going to be a hero so write any ideas in the comments for his power and name also to clarify HERO. not villain. if you want to that is. byee!

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