Side story: The Hero Base

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right before chapter 7-

"so i now know how we all got are power's, well i know how some of them can get it. now all the instances of us getting our power' are from a-" Woman heroic stopped. 

"are you even listening!?" She asked Animus spoke up "well who cares!? after all we all are here alive and ok. except for you of course" 

woman heroic was not pleased. "well we all know that we are teens, because ya'll are stupid" 

"arent you a teen aswell? you just called your self stupid!" Animus laughed as telki boy did a loud "OHHHHHHH! you just played with the telkinesis god!" he laughed. "Telki boy" Animus blankly spoke. "Yes?" 

"shut the fuck up" 

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! we are hero's right now we cant be fussing over childish issues!" Woman Heroic yelled. 

Animus was quite shook as telki boy had a smug grin facing at animus. "i dont know the excat flower but it was tested on and turned into a super human generator all we need to do is find it and we can defeat every villian so that humanity isnt enslaved!" Woman heroic yelled again slightly louder. "yeah but we barley know anything about this "flower" so what are we going to do?" Animus replied. "Thats why i am saying that we should all keep and eye and ear out about the flower okay!?" Woman heroic shot back. "Well i cant keep an eye and an ear out when im busy fighting people who want me dead and want to take over the world!" Animus yelled annoyed. 

"Guys guys we should all relax" Melody mistress smiled. she sang a quiet note that put the two at ease. "okay well lets just take baby steps ill search for the flower if you hear anything please tell me" Woman heroic softly said. she was always nicer when she was calm. 


he was never calm. 

"okay well i just research some more of the flower from this petal i found the other day-"

 She placed the petal on the scanner. they were all in a small building's basement. it had glowy blue streaks and lights with the hero's own little closet for personal stuff or evidence for other things. 

the blue streaks of light around the base turned on extremely bright then shut offed and exploded and the lights hanging from the cieling exploded and the fish tank exploded. 

"dangit!" animus whined "i just bought those electric eels!" 

the hero's suits had glow in the dark patterns on them. Melody mistress of course had music notes. woman heroic had stars some darting off. telki boy had a marble pattern and animus had dragon scales. there were other hero's but they were all busy. 

"I know who is behind all of this...DR SUNSHINE!" the electric cords sparked when she said it. 

"Oh you just guessed that's who's behind it?" Animus replied to heroic's accusation. 

"Oh god sake you guys wait near me as i go and check on the power plant..." Woman heroic's voice dragged off as she punched threw the elevator door and she flew throught the opened elevator shaft area. Animus mad telki boy float as he flew aswell because of his telkinetic power's. Marco really wanted animus's strong power's. he was practically an idol to tekni boy. i mean Marco is tekni boy but no one yet because i have a secret, MIRACULOUS.  animus also lifted melody mistress of the ground as they flew towards the powerplant but far away from woman heroic. 

small side story for a bit of an intro to melody mistress and the telekinetic animus! anyway just a quick mention is that there will be gore and a lot of it in the next couple of chapters. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. and ill upload them once i finish the last chapter of arc 1! btw the arc will be called: THE THUNDER ARC

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