Chapter 8 part 1

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Olive walked through the halls. her 3 friends were waiting at her locker. (i have no idea how lockers and shiz work cause i dont use them) 

"Hey Olive!" Riley smiled waving. 

"oh! hey riley" Olive waved back with a nervous look not wanting to get attention from everyone.  she quickly shuffled over to her friends. 

"oh...Hey" Aiden waved with a weak smile. he had eye bags with a hoodie on. it wasnt like him to be all sad. though it does make sense. his girlfriend stacy had been away for the last week. (lol dead girlfriend) 

"..are you alright?" Olive asked. 

" girlfriend stacy shes been away. her parents were on a work trip and she wont answer the door when i visit her. im worried she's reallt sick" Aiden sighed his smile turning into a nervouse frown. (dw she isnt sick bestie...she's having a good shot in the afterlife) 

Amanda walked over towards the 3. 

"have you guys seen stacey? she wont answer my calls" Amanda nervously sighed. (#she did call the cannibals though) 

"arent you the girl that beat up nathan? good on you" Aiden shrugged "but no, i havent seen her..." 

"god im worried that something bad happened to her" amanda sighed. 

"Yeah..." aiden sighed as he played with a stress toy. (normal new protagonist shit)

" gonna go hang out with amealie and melony heh" amanda waved as she walked away scratching her arm. talking to a friends boyfriend is always hard. even if there now technically single. but no one knows that yet lol.

(adds ded girlfriend as a tag)

"...shes hot" Olive said without thinking. riley and aiden's head turned with a crack towards olive with shocked faces. 

(y'know that chick in the 2nd chapter that had a crush on marco? yeah she's now canonly dead. because i said so)   

"...bro's lesbian" riley smirked. people turned around to stare at the 3. olive looked around. eyes peering at her. all blankly and frightning to her. she shivered at everyone looking at her. she quickly walked off. 

riley looked at Olive. "hey! im sorry i-" she went after olive leaving the new protaginist by themself. 

"im alone now..." Aiden sighed with a literal: :I as his expression.  

"im gonna go kms" aiden shrugged as he walked outside. off towards 2 queer men sitting on a bench. (guess who those are?)  

connor was drawing stuff in his notebook and talking to marco. 

"dude wouldnt it be funny if we dated as a joke" marco chuckled. 

"that'd be funny asf. but i got my sights on a girl though" Connor chuckled. 

Marco: :')  

"hey you two skittles" aiden sighed as he sat down with them. 

"im gonna pretend i didnt hear that" Connor smiled contuing to draw in his notebook. 

"yeah whaddya want aiden?" Marco rolled his eyes. 

"my two side chicks left me so im hanging out with the packet of skittles" aiden shrugged. 

"theres only two of us" Marco glared. 

"yeah but you guys have the energy of the whole packet" Aiden glared back. 

"...god you two are so insufferable" Connor groaned. 

"yeah well he started dating a popular chick and stopped hanging out with us" Marco rolled his eyes. 

"thought you'd like some personal space to be gay together" Aiden rolled his eyes back. "were not gay btw-" connor was cut off. 

"oh yeah like thats a resonable excuse" Marco spat. 

"im going to smack you two with my notebook" Connor eye twitched. 

"oh? well marco's machonistic ass would enjoy that" Aiden mocked with a smirk. (ngl this is foreshadowing. might wanna keep this in mind lol) 

Marco's face flushed with embarrasment before turning away with huff. "fuck you" he groaned. the vibe was incredibly awkward. 

connor closed his notebook. "i think you should leave aiden. Now." He stared at aiden with a cold stare. 

"fine fine. just wanted to check up on you two" Aiden huffed as he stood up and walked off. 

"fuck you!" marco exclaimed at Aiden. 

New protagonist acquired!! +Aiden

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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