Chapter 4: idk

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so uhh im bored and the cover of this book is kinda shitty yeaaah idk what im going to do about that. i might do some drawing for the book but im really bad at digital art so maybe maybe not unless one of you's want to make a cover? idk, if you can be bothered to want to make a cover for this very interesting book send it and tag me lol but uhh yeah also ive already got marco's power's down so no more suggestions sorry brotatos. 

ALSO the number 1 spot for the town's name is @CyberCaro so the town is called "mindyourbusiness"  why did they win? because she the only one who made a bloody suggestion >:( anyway congrats CyberCaro on naming the town (★‿★)

Dear diary 

this is me 

See im marco: the best artist the world has ever seen

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See im marco: the best artist the world has ever seen

Marco smiled as he contuied drawing in his diary while writing parts of his day in it. 

he didnt take any notice to the foot steps creeping near his door as it creaked open. "Dinner's ready!" his sister yelled, jumping as her black hair waving around her neck, her yellow jacket falling back into place after she landed on the wooden floor. Marco yeeted his diary in fear as he jumped from the sudden noise. he saw the diary float near his little sister. he tried to move it back to the bookshelf but it stayed put, right above his sister's head. 

just gotta keep it there until she leaves- he thought

the book fell on his sister's head

"Owww" She groaned as she picked up the book and opened it to an unfortunate page. Her face lit up as she smiled. "MARCO IS GAY! MARCO IS GAY!" lilly laughed as she ran down the hall and jumped over the spot in the carpet where someone jumped a bit too much and the wood broke underneath them so they covered it with carpet to try and make it look unnoticeable.  Connor once fell in it. they both laughed as best friends...but...marco wanted to be more. 

Marco chased after lilly. "ITS ACTUALLY BISEXUAL BUT WHO'S KEEPING TRACK!" Marco yelled back as his sister stuck out her tounge and contuied running until she made it to there mum...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Connor Pov

omg i HATE having a sercret lair in a sewer it stinks so bad! and i always get weird gross green sewer slime on my school clothes. at least it looks like acid so i can use it as fake scare material and it did work on woman heroic! well kinda-

Anyway just sitting on my chair livin life- 


ahh wtf?!

" hello Dr Sunshine" the man spoke with an ood myserious tone while he held a gun pointing down on the floor. 

"The Fuck are You!?" Sunny asked getting out of his old ripped gaming chair. He tried to be confident and cocky but it failed miserbly when the man pointed the gun at sunshine. "I am working for the imaginer... he would like to see you in excacly 6 weeks at 5:00pm sharp on that Tuesday" 

"o- okay..." Sunny awkwardly smiled. 

"if you don't come at all, he will hunt you down, Connor" The man spoke again in a deeper tone. 

Sunshine's eyes grew wide. He was in shock. his breathing was heavy and he was sweating. someone knew his identity. somone could kill his whole family. his school. his life would be gone in a matter if minutes. the man left the sewer's. Sunny was in terrible shape, so scared in fact. he fell down into the sewage sludge. it was green and glowing, straight from the local laboratory. they chuck the chemicals down the drains that go into Connors sewer area and he uses it to scare people but he has never truly touched any of it let alone have a panic attack in it. 

Marco once saved him by drinking the green liquid when nathane had rushed into the alleyway and tried to force Connor to drink it but marco took the vile and nathane bashed him on the wall and forced him to drink it instead. Connor looked after marco when that happened and thats when marco felt feelings for connor but Connor was indeed oblivious to it. they both found out about marco's powers but that was about it. all marco could lift up was a pin nothing else. he could never have the same power as Animus. 

sup dudes guess what? i use a superhero name generater cause i suck at names lol anyway since my boy connor is named dr sunshine by an amazing reader, his power will be- read the next one to find out lol. Marco is telekenisis. Olive is invisagirl. i pretty sure you can guess who amanda is though : )

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