chapter 6

7 1 2

TW: Drugs, murder's, and stabbing, poision mentions, yah and swearing. 

the next day at school

"hellooooo Amandaaa" Stacey sang like a opera singer on hemeroids. she was trying to heavily practise for her soon school opera musical thingy. "Oh- hi stacey!" Amanda smiled while taking a big bite out of her bagel. Stacey popped a skittle in her mouth before starting her long talk about the "girl" drama. Apparently amealia wanted to hang out with melony and make her feel a little big more welcome and comfortable at school since her mother died. most of the group didnt excacly want to a.k.a Sophie. there were other girls in there class but they didnt exacly talk to one another unless there was an alliance which barley happens between the girls. 

Marco's diary entry #2

oh shit oh shit oh shit- 

is oliver gonna leave julianna on the rode and leave is one and only love of his life!?  YES! he did in the novel i was just reading!  and alas julianna found out that oliver was in love with another.

oh but im sure my beatiful diary would love to know what is going on rn. yesterday after me and connor finished our grafiti art which was mainly me teaching him techniquices he left nervous. i was worryied okay! so i might of followed him home on the rooftops...just to make sure he got home safe! nothing more! i looked over and another person was also watching him though. they had a silky hat with a black mask covering there face with white expressions painted on to look like a frown. he then turned his head to face me. we were both one street away from eachother but he was gone in a flash. it was really odd ive got to admit... it something im not going to let go but...ill stay quiet about it, plus if i tell connor he gonna ask me why i was spyin- making sure he made it home ok.

End of Marco's diary entry #2 

"so Hello Melony!" Amelie smiled as she looked at the blank stare of melony with an akward smile. 

"hello...Amelie" Melony quietly muttered as she started fiddiling with her hair as the 4 girls crowded her. "do you like music?" "do you like DRAMAAA?" "whats your favorite coulor?" "do you like movies?" 

"why are you such a quiet dickhead?"

"Sophie!" Amanda scolded "what is up with you!?" 

"she is a terrible person! i know what i saw!" Sophie bitterly spat as she glared at Melony who had broken into a sweat with a nervous look on her face. 

"i saw her smiling and drooling as she saw a dead cat!" Sophie yelled again. 

Melony sighed.

"that didnt happen, i smiled because i saw an ice cream van because i like ice cream...i didint notice the dead ginger cat..." Melony replied as she spoke with a soft voice but still elegantly. 

"Oooooo! you like ice cream!!!" Stacey smiled "we should go to the ice cream store since i heard theres some good flavours there!" 

"not with the frea-" Sophie tried to decline but got her mouth covered with amealies hand before they all went to class. Sophie trudged along kicking rocks and dragging her feet. 

Stacey skipped with a happy face as Amanda followed behind her with her hands in her denim jackets pockets and smiling as people minded there own business.  

Amealie walked with Melony smiling happily as melony tried to grin but it came out more of a akward smirk. 

"well melony have you heard of the recent murders?" Amealie tryed to start a conforsation. "hm...ive heard a bit..." melony replied quietly. 

"2 of them died from poisoning 3 of them died from stabbing and some of the body's arent found ye-" Amelie paused. 

"there was only five deaths...not 7, Amealie..."  melony broke out into a sweat. her eyes were as wide as a hippo's mouth when open. 

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