chapter 7

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Tw!: sexism, swearing, blood, gore, cannabalism, selling dead people's body parts

"Nehehehehehe" Dr sunshine laughed. he was sick of staying in the shadows he out on his trench coat and put a large knife in his pockets of the brown soft coat and put his red beanie on before covering his face with a small spiky electric shaped mask.  

"today, i will get back at the people who wronged me!" Connor smiled before walking out into the street. he had a weird suit but thought that it wouldnt go well since he planned on murdering the heros or atleast finding way to defeat them without killing them.  he walked towards the world ahead of them. he had secretly found Woman heroic in an alley way. she was hurt she he healed her. then decided it would be a sighn of weakness if he helped a hero so he hanged her apon a pool of acid. totally a love laungage. 

either way his little crush drove him mad. why did he have to fall in love with a salty heroine that just does it all for the fame!? he didnt know why he ever did. but he did. either way love wasnt going to be enough to stop him from taking over the world, because it'll be tough ...holy- that would be a good book title but no more of my stupid thoughts. now is the time i will rise! he thought as he contuied his expedition to the place he needed to go to for it to start. 

The towns power tower thingy

He was going to absorb all the lightning and energy from it and defeat the heros once, and for all because taking over the world is hard, especially with them around. so despite his worry and heartbreak, he always knew it was going to happen because. why would a hero like her want to be like a no good villain like me? it was never going to work out anyway. we havent even met! 

cloud circled around in the sky making small droplets pour down. the clouds grew greyer and greyer. thunder was crackling up in the sky as sunny was starting to regret his decision. but he soon contuied his walk towards the power plant. he was close to it. he lifted his hand and pointed it towards the top of the power plant. the clouds surrounded the top of it and stured while he closed his hands and a mass of electricity zaped onto the powerplant. they he pulled his hand away and the lights next to him shatter'd and crackled from the high power then sudden no power. the lights everywhere turned off in noneofyourbuisness and no power meant no internet which means...all the emo's would come out of hiding. 

he smiled to himself before he sensed something. a woman 


"HOLY!- oh it is you woman heroic" Sunny smiled. 

"Huh got a new fit i see, the coat looks familar..." Woman Heroic pondered. "well im guessing you the one behind all of this". she opened her mouth so say something mean but nothing came out. she stopped herself for some reason...she didnt excacly want to be rude or snarky to him. she didnt know why at all. she kind of admired him for his confidence but she had a job to do...she couldnt be caut dead with him. well maybe if he gives up being a villain but...that would never happen.  not by his own anyway...

"and how do you know that?" Sunny smiled with big teeth as lightning striked next to woman heroic making her jump 3 metres up.  "AH-" she screamed. she was afraid of lighting. not ideal for her in this battle against a guy that could control the weather. she tapped on her ear bud. "Backup backup send melody mistress, thermo and animus and uhh that one in training, he needs to learn a bit" Woman heroic said. "Your sending a hero in training!? wtf is wrong with you!???" Sunny yelled at woman heroic before sending another lighting bolt near her. he would never had the guts to actually strike her with the lightning. 

she jumped higher this time and decided to stay afloat on the air before giving an angry frown at sunny. "Hey!" she yelled, "What was that for!?" 

"For being a woman!" (joke created by mick)

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