chapter 5

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well im back. also im working on more chapters but i hope this chapter can be enough since im kinda busy anyway hope ya like it

Me and marco were sitting next to eachother while the english teacher was blabbing on about well, english. Marco was reading a book called...the window keeper.  ive never read it but he liked it so i stayed quiet about how odd the cover looked. the cover was a soft red velvet fabric with gold steel weeved around the edges with the title embroded into the velvet with a gold looking wool. it was odd for marco to have something as fancy and rick-looking as that but it was still in his clenches so i just shrugged it off. 


Hmm i wish i could grab a snack but...


mrs applegate would get mad at me though....


"oh! uhh yes Miss?" connor jumped out of a trance that was looking at marco. 

"Ooooooo" the girls laughed as amanda fake laughed before smileing akwardly and winking at connor and mouthed the words: she wants you to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and then smiled

"UHHH s-u-p-" connor was saying before the teacher cut him off.

"well im surprised connor... id didnt think you were playing attension but i wanted you to say what you wrote for question 7 for the book: Coraline?" Mrs Applegate smiled.

"uhh yeah!" Connor quickly looked down his worksheet untill he got to question 7: What is the black cats name? "the black cat dosnt like being called by a name" Connor answered. "good good!" Mrs applegate smiled at the correct answer. 

Bell went

"oh... well i guess the lesson is over have a nice day cherubs!" Mrs applegate smiled. 

"you too!" Connor said putting his stuff in his backpack and running out of class with marco. 

"Ahh the end of the day, finally" Marco sighed as he took a drink from his water bottle. "Yeah, im gonna go sleep on my bed as soon as i get home" connor smiled brightly at marco though still wondering why amanda had mislead him during class. "oh- i was going to ask you if you wanted to go and graffiti some alleyways together y'know, for fun?" Marco asked with a small smile

"Sure!" connor laughs as he soon regrets his decision because he was going to do some work on his villiany villain work

after the graffiti lesson (Marco is teaching connor how to spray paint

connor was walking all the way home when he got this feeling. that someone was watching him. he contuied to walk home because who looks around like a paranoide person. he got home and felt the eyes of the person staring at him move away. 

Melony's house: 

"Hello mother" Melony smiled as she eligantly walked towards the dinner table. she imagined her mother saying "hello there pumpkin". Melony sat down at the end of the long table before quietly serving herself to some food. She put some steamed pumpkin a spoonful of peas, 2 spoons of mashed potato and a small steak. she then contuied to pour some gravy on the mashed potato before cutting small portions of the steak untill it was all cut up. she ate some mashed potato and steak before eating peas and some steamed pumpkin. she looked back at her mother. well she imagined it was her mother but it was just a blank mannequin without its head. her mother had died somehow. melody knew but alway thought that there was one chance that she had somehow survived as for her father. he just stayed in his room and wrote his books that really meant nothing at all since they already more than enough saved up. he just did it because Mama liked to write. but alas he locked himself and would often forget to feed or drink.  Melony finished with her meal before excusing herself from the table and thanking her "mother". she then got a clean plate and served it up with food and got a glass of water and walked to her father's study. she opened the door. "uhhgg, Melony please leave my room its early morning" her father groaned as he turned on his wheely chair to face Melony.  The father had big eye bags and yellow teeth with messy hair with a receding hairline. he pulled his glasses down. "its not morning father, its quite the opposite its 6:00pm" Melony sighed before leaving the glass of water and plate of foody and taking to plate with clumps of mold and flys surrounding it with the empty glass and running to put it in the sink so the maid could clean the dishes. Melony came back and her father had not touched his food at all and was typeing away. he was practically molded to the chair, eyes red from staring at a screen for years. his shirt had stains from who knows what. he wasnt a very good father and needed to get over it. melony was in disbelief but didnt isolate herself at school. manly cause most of the kids at school isolated from her. 

~End chapter 5~

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