Thank you!!New story

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First of all, Thank you very much to all of you for reading my story and supporting me till the end.

This is the first story that I have written in my life and so much support and lovely comments from you guys have motivated me to keep writing more.

To be honest, I wrote this story only for myself. Cause I am a hardcore shipper of Taennie and I like reading Taennie fictions. I have read a lot of ff of Taennies and now it had become very difficult to find completed Taennie ffs on wattpad. Either some authors discontinued the story or go on hiatus. So I thought why not make a story of my own. I have never imagined whether that story would even reach 1k or not. But When I read the first comment on my story that She liked the story and is excited for the next chapter, I was so happy that I showed those comments to my entire family.

And now see 'Our sweet family' (Aaahhhhh!! Now just hearing its name makes me realize how much I will miss writing this story) has 22k+ views and 1k+ votes.......all because of you guys.

I am very thankful for that and in retuen, I AM GONNA BRING A NEW BANGPINK FF FOR YOU GUYS.........👏👏👏👏👏

Here is the cover of the new story.....

But it will take me few months to publish this story as I have just started writing it and on top of that, my exams are about to start, so I will be busy for preparing for them too.

Till then, Wait for it okay?

I am not asking you to vote the new story, just read it. I will be happy. And I have no complaint against silent readers either, as long as you're reading, it makes me happy.

Ok then I will leave now!!

But once again, thank you for reading "Our Sweet Family".

Love you all💜💜💜

Bye Bye.....

Our Sweet Family😊😊 !! Taennie FF💜💜Where stories live. Discover now