⋆·˚Gubler Dinner⋆·˚

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It's October 30th, every night before halloween since the age six, i've had dinner at the Gublers. My parents, Autumns parents, Autumn and I, and of course the Gublers. Its basically a family dinner to celebrate this spooky holiday. The Gublers love their halloween, maybe a little too much but that's okay. Everyone has their thing and this time of year is there's. I haven't seen my parents since Autumns funeral. We hardly even spoke there, they just gave me a hug and told me they loved her. They were kind enough to cover my rent for a little but that's because their absent. Absent parents earn their children's love through gifts or money. That's been my life since I can remember. I am nervous to see them but i'm hoping it goes better than last year. Last year they made fun of me in-front of the Knox's and Gublers for my passion in writing. They found it amusing how I am writing a poetry book. The others gave me sympathetic looks, knowing my parents. They know them just about as well as I do. They're cruel and know it but they laugh it off. That's my parents for you. Never ones meant to have a child. They care more about their law firm rather than their own daughter. Their company is the real child.

It's the first Halloween dinner without Autumn but the Knox's are still invited and coming of course. I'm bringing dirt bug pudding. It's chocolate pudding with edible candy bugs and Oreo crumbs. My famous recipe of box pudding is a hit in that household.

° ° °
"Aura! We gotta go!" Macs yells from the kitchen

"I'm coming i'm coming!"

I'm slipping on my shoes running out my bedroom

"Ready!" I pant

"Maybe you should workout some more?" Matthew smirks

His birthday party was last week and we haven't talked to each other once since then. It's been...awkward? I don't know. But the bickering he just spit melted all that away. Now he's back to Asshole Matthew and I am pleased.  

"Fuck off" I roll my eyes

"Alright let's go." Mac smiles, gently shoving her girlfriend out the door

° ° °

Arriving at the Gublers gives me anxiety. I anxiously play with my hands at the thought of seeing Autumns parents and most importantly, my own parents.

Matthew barges in, "MOTHER AND FATHER! THE FAVORITE IS HOME!" he shouts from the entryway

Jude engulfs her children in hugs then turns to Sierra and I, doing the same

"Kiddos!" She smiles gently, scanning us four one by one.

Phil walks up behind her, "Let me see them."

"Dad" Mac smiles moving to hug her father

Mac has always been a daddy's girl, Matthew on the other hand big mommas boy. Typical right?

Phil kisses the top of his daughters head and moves over to Sierra "Favorite future daughter in-law"

giving her a quick hug then turning to me, "favorite girl"  he smiles

"Oh Phil!" I throw my hands around him.

"It's good to see you guys!" Sierra smiles walking inside

Chasing You, a Matthew Gray Gubler storyWhere stories live. Discover now