Chapter 22: revisiting the train

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5:52am. They finally arrived, sitting on the edge of a train full of haystacks, holding hands watching the sunrise. Since its the dark biome, the sun is barely there anyways, but it still burns. The sun peaked over the horizon, slowly burning Angelo. Daniel looking over in concern.

"It should hurt. I mean I was just tortured!! I dont know if I can even feel-" -A

He was cut off when Daniel threw a heavy blanket over his legs, and head.

"Okay you might not but that wont happen once you set on fire" -D

"Hm..I've always wondered what it would be like if I did that" -A

"...stop it" -D

"huh" -A

"stop thinking about all of it, please. i never want to see you hurt ever" -D


"hey. I'm genuinely concerned for you are you..okay mentally? you seem so..not like yourself" -D

"I'm sorry I..just everything thats happening is just sinking in, I'm fine really! I'm still myself..just..i dont know..upset? Really I'm okay!! I'd give you a demonstration by jumping off the train but sun and wings, ya know??" -A

"I love you, you know that right, keep being yourself Angelo" -D

"hehe. What is it with us and trains that make us pour our true feelings?" -A

"The atmosphere?? The stillness of it all probably" -D

"It's nice..have I told you the story of how I got expelled?" -A

"..yes. Quite a lot. Tell me it again" -D

"Well..I finally had enough of that school, me and Yoko, my ex, we snuck into the school at night ro rummage through the faculty room to find secrets about all the teachers..we were caught and he set me" -A

"fucked up honestly..I hope that schools..gone!" -D

"I had that on my bucket list at some point..never did happen" -A

"Why dont you make some mustard gas and throw it in the vents?" -D

"Thats so smart.." -A

"'re actually gonna do it?" -D

"NOOOO!! Only if the teachers still work there" -A

"Staff rooms it is then" -D

"Honestly I dont even know if the school is still going, I havent heard nothing about it on the news lately" -A

"I hope it did get flooded with acid.." -D

"Even if it did, it wouldve been me since I wouldve traveled back in time!!" -A

"And Id come with you!" -D

"Yeah! And then we'd explode everything!!" -A

They passed a long bridge, before the train suddenly came to a stop.

"I dont think stopping in the middle of a bridge is the best idea..whats going on?" -A

Suddenly, the front cart fell off, the other front cars falling off aswell, the bridge was falling apart.


They both swung out of the cart they were in, and barely missed, Daniel hanging onto the broken tracks.


"I got the blanket..and I'm not really burning up yet.." -A

"I cant pull you up with the blanket.." -D

"weak ass" -A


"I WILL- im not human" -A

They sat there for a second, the train tracks started snapping at their weight.

"Angelo..I promise you I wont let you get burnt..please trust me we have to go WE'RE ABOUT TO DIE" -D

Angelo sadly dropped the blanket, but it was too late, the train tracks snapped off.
they fell. they werent scared to die though, atleast they'd be going out together, Daniel looked at Angelo, and muttered the words. "I love you" as they plummeted to the river.

Angelo transformed into his bat form, using his super speed to quickly fly back up into the shade, they barely made it, and once they did, Angelo's wings snapped, and fell off.


They sat on the floor, looking at eachother in shocked relief, before hugging eachother crying, then kissing. They stood up to look at the damage of the tracks, when Daniel grabbed whatever he could to walk back to the station. They were walking for a few hours, holding hands, walking along the tracks. Once they got to their car, they drove off into the sunset. again

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