Cozy Memories

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The cozy atmosphere of Madgen's parents' house enveloped her as she stepped inside, momentarily stilling the turmoil in her heart. Warm lighting cast a comforting glow over the familiar walls, adorned with family photos that captured happier times. Each frame seemed to whisper memories of laughter and love but reminded her of the painful experiences that had led her here.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Madgen couldn't help but be flooded with flashback images from her early weeks of pregnancy. She remembered her grandmother's harsh words, calling her daily to tell her how selfish she was, how she would ruin her parents' lives, and urging her to get an abortion before it was too late. The hurt from those conversations lingered like a bruise on her soul.

Kolt entered the room, his brown eyes filled with concern as he saw the pained expression on Madgen's face. He sat beside her, taking her hand gently in his own. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly, sensing her distress.

"Sometimes I just... I can't believe we made it through all that," Madgen confessed, her green eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Do you remember that one night, early in the pregnancy when things were so rocky between us? You suggested maybe it would be best if I did get an abortion."

Kolt nodded solemnly, recalling the desperation they both felt at that moment. "I remember. But that idea was short-lived," he reassured her. "We found our way back to each other, and my love for you and Cade has only grown stronger since then."

Madgen squeezed his hand, grateful for his support. "When my father offered us to move back home to save money, it was a major turning point for us. I'd been seriously considering packing up and running away from everyone just to go through with my pregnancy without conflict."

"Moving in with your parents is the right decision," Kolt insisted, his voice firm with conviction. "We need the extra support and a stable environment for Cade."

As they talked, Madgen couldn't help but remember the harrowing experience of nearly losing Cade during the emergency C-section – an event that had also almost taken her own life. The PTSD from that day still haunted her, just as it did Kolt.

She saw the pain in Kolt's eyes when he thought back to leaving her lifeless body on the operating table to be with their son, who was also fighting for his life. He often reflected on the day before Cade was born, when Madgen had made him promise that, no matter what happened to her, he would stay with their son because he was more important than she was. The weight of that memory bore down on Kolt as if Madgen had known she would flatline during Cade's arrival.

"We've been through so much together," Kolt whispered, his grip on Madgen's hand tightening. "But we're stronger for it. We'll make this work, for ourselves and for our son."

Together, they faced the uncertain future, their love and determination providing a solid foundation to build a better life for themselves and their beloved child, Cade.

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow through the windows of Kolt and Madgen's old apartment. Boxes were scattered about, filled with the remnants of their life together thus far. As Kolt taped up another box, he glanced at Madgen, who was carefully wrapping their framed photos in bubble wrap. The scene felt bittersweet – saying goodbye to one chapter while eagerly anticipating the next.

"Hey," Kolt called out gently, "do you remember when we first moved in here?"

Madgen looked up from her task, a nostalgic smile on her lips. "Yeah, I do. We were so young and clueless back then."

Kolt chuckled, his brown eyes twinkling. "But we managed, didn't we? And now we're moving on to something even better."

Madgen nodded, her green eyes full of determination. "We'll make a good life for Cade. That's what matters most."

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