Chapter 49:- Rehab Week 1: Adjustment and Resistance.

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Izzy's P.O.V

The sunlight streaming through the window is a gentle reminder that today is the day everything changes. I wake up early, my mind racing about what lies ahead. After a restless night, I decide to get a head start. Slipping into black cycling shorts and a purple vest, I pull my hair into a messy bun. I quietly make my way to the kitchen, determined to make the most of the morning.

I busy myself preparing breakfast. I make scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, my movements are mechanical but purposeful. While I am at it, I brew a pot of coffee. The aroma filled the house, a comforting distraction from the heaviness of the day.

As I finish setting everything out on the table, I hear the shuffle of footsteps on the stairs. One by one, Spike, Angel, Buffy, Dawn, Xander, Anya, Willow, and Giles emerge from their rooms. They take in the spread with a mixture of gratitude and sleepiness.

"Good morning," I say, forcing a smile as they gathered around the table. I feel a pang of sadness knowing this would be our last breakfast together for a while.

Spike settles into a chair, stretching as he tries to shake off the remnants of sleep. "This looks amazing, Iza. Thanks for making breakfast."

"It's the least I could do," I reply, handing him a cup of coffee. I glance around at everyone as they take their seats, the mood both somber and supportive.

Buffy looks over at me, her eyes reflecting the unspoken concern we all felt. "We'll miss you, you know. But we all understand why you're doing this."

"It's for the best," Angel adds, his voice low but earnest. "And we'll be in touch every day. Spike will keep us updated."

Anya, always the pragmatist, nods in agreement. "It's good that Spike can see you while you're in the rehab centre. It'll help knowing someone is close by."

Xander leans forward, a rare show of emotion crossing his face. "We're all here for you, Iza. Even if we can't be there in person, we're supporting you every step of the way."

Dawn, who has been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "Just remember, this isn't goodbye. It's more like a pause until we see you again."

Willow reaches out, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "We're all rooting for you. I know it's going to be tough, but you're tougher."

The conversations flow around the room, a blend of encouragement and heartfelt goodbyes. It was clear how much everyone cared, even though their words could barely mask the undercurrent of sadness.

At 11 a.m., I turn to Spike, who is already preparing himself for the drive. "Are we ready to go? It takes about two hours to get to the rehab centre."

Spike nods, gathering his things. "Let's get going."

The final goodbyes were quick but meaningful. Hugs and promises to stay in touch were exchanged as me and Spike made our way to the car. I take one last look at the house, a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation filling my heart.

The drive to the rehab centre is quiet, punctuated by our conversations. Spike and I talked about everything and nothing-catching up on the latest news, reminiscing about old times, and discussing the challenges ahead. It is comforting to have someone I trusted by my side.

When we arrive at the rehab centre, Spike parked the car and suggests we grab lunch at a nearby café before heading inside. The meal is a welcome distraction, a chance to savor the last few moments of normalcy before the reality of rehab set in.

After lunch, we make our way to the centre. Spike walks me to the entrance, his presence a steadying force. As we approach the door, I feel a mix of anxiety and resolve. This is a new beginning, a chance to confront my past and work towards a healthier future.

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