Rule No 9: Sleepovers with Sirius hit different

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As the movie came to an end, James stretched and yawned, a contented smile on his face. "You know what, Remus? Why don't you sleep over tonight? It's late, and we've had quite the eventful day."

I agreed, grateful for the offer, and as the night wore on, James kindly made up a bed for himself on the couch, leaving Sirius and me to share the same bed.

It was an unspoken acknowledgment of the connection that had grown between us, and as we settled in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort knowing that I was exactly where I wanted to be.

As the night grew darker and quieter, Sirius and I found ourselves under the covers, nestled close together. Our bodies fit perfectly, and I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him closer as we settled into a comfortable embrace.

In the soft, dimly lit room, our hearts beat in sync, and the warmth of our closeness was a stark contrast to the uncertainties of the past. It was a moment of peace and contentment, a silent affirmation of the connection we had found and the unspoken promises that lay ahead.

In the depths of the night, a haunting nightmare gripped my sleep, pulling me into a world of darkness and fear. I thrashed in my sleep, overwhelmed by the vivid terrors of the past. My cries of distress grew louder, waking Sirius from his peaceful slumber.

Sirius, ever attentive, instantly reached out to me. He gently shook my shoulder and whispered, "Remus, wake up. It's just a dream."

I jolted awake, sweat-drenched and trembling, my heart pounding in my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes, and before I could stop them, they streamed down my cheeks. Without a word, Sirius pulled me into a comforting embrace, his arms wrapped securely around me.

He kissed away my tears, the warmth of his lips on my skin a soothing balm to my troubled soul. In his arms, I found solace, and as the remnants of the nightmare faded, I clung to him, grateful for his presence and the safety he provided.

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