Rule No 5: I take back Rule No 4

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As I arrived at Le Château, the elegant ambiance of the restaurant set the stage for a promising evening. Peter was already waiting, a charming smile on his face. We exchanged greetings and were soon engrossed in conversation, our connection as strong in person as it had been online.

However, as the night wore on, it became apparent that Peter had been indulging in a bit too much alcohol. His demeanor shifted, and he began to act erratically, raising his voice and making inappropriate comments. My unease grew as his behavior escalated, and I realized that I was in an uncomfortable and potentially unsafe situation.

I contemplated how to handle the situation, my heart pounding with uncertainty, as I attempted to find a way to ensure my safety and well-being on what had started as a promising evening.

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable and alarmed by Peter's behavior, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. In the dimly lit restroom, I fumbled for my phone and tried calling James, but there was no answer. My anxiety spiked as I realized I needed help, and fast.

I sent a frantic text to Sirius, explaining the situation and expressing my unease and fear for my safety. I anxiously awaited his response but received none. With no other option, I returned to the table, where Peter's behavior had escalated further.

I sat there awkwardly, my eyes darting around the restaurant, desperately hoping for a lifeline. Five agonizing minutes later, the restaurant door swung open, and Sirius stormed in, his motorcycle helmet still in hand. Without a word, he placed the helmet on my head, a silent signal that we were leaving.

Peter, now visibly intoxicated and agitated, tried to stop us, but Sirius didn't hesitate. He leaned closer, his voice low and menacing. "Back off, mate, or you're gonna regret it."

Peter, taken aback by Sirius's fierce demeanor, backed away reluctantly, and we made our swift exit. Together, we mounted Sirius's motorcycle, and with a sense of urgency, he revved the engine and sped off into the night, taking me safely away from the unsettling situation.

As the wind rushed past us, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the friends who had come to my rescue. Sirius had shown unwavering loyalty and had protected me when I needed it most.

We arrived at my house, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions—gratitude, guilt, and lingering unease from the night. As we dismounted from the motorcycle, I began to apologize profusely to Sirius for the inconvenience I had caused.

But before I could finish my sentence, Sirius cut me off, his voice raised in frustration. "Remus, stop apologizing. I dropped everything because you matter to me, more than you'll ever know."

His words hung in the air, and I looked into his eyes, a mix of surprise and warmth washing over me. "Even more than James?" I asked, almost in disbelief.

Sirius nodded without hesitation. "Even James," he confirmed, and then, in a moment that felt like a sudden burst of clarity, he leaned in and kissed me softly.

When we finally pulled away, his eyes were filled with a kind of intensity I had never seen before. "Remus," he said, "we'll have a proper conversation about this when you haven't just come back from a night like that. Right now, you need to rest and recover."

With that, Sirius gave me a reassuring smile and left me standing at the doorstep, my heart racing and my mind filled with a newfound sense of hope for the future.

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