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liked by neymarjr, landonorris and 951,003 others MIAJAHMA home race🫶🏽

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liked by neymarjr, landonorris and 951,003 others
MIAJAHMA home race🫶🏽

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JASMINEBEALLA gonna kill it!

LANDONORRIS lily made it but i didn't? blasphemous
LILYMHE hate me cause they ain't me 🥱


WILLIAMSRACING nuestro campeón!
MIAJAHMA that's spanish, but i appreciate the thought.


VINIJR vamos!!

ALEXALBON 1-2 incoming (please lord)
MIAJAHMA just need about 18 dnfs🙏🏾

USER good luck!



mia raced through the paddock, frantically checking her phone to make sure she would arrive at the briefing on time. "i'm here! sorry." she shouted out as she looked around the neat empty room.

"it got pushed.. starts in twenty minutes." sebastian then spoke out, offering the girl a sympathetic smile as she caught her breath. "love the commitment." he nodded towards her.

she flashed a small grin, offering another to the driver sat to his left. lewis returned the gesture, along with a small wave. "excited for your home race?" he pulled the headphones from his ears, placing them into the case.

she hummed softly, taking a seat beside the ferrari driver. "nervous. but yes, excited. first time my parents are coming." she responded, taking a small sip of her water.

"i love your dad. i remember having a meeting where he was there, showed up in a lorax jumper." the three laughed at sebastian's words, mia shaking her head in disapproval.

"oh god. i remember that jumper, i swear he wore it for months straight." lewis added on to their laughter, it's true mia's dad, bruno, was gifted the shirt by his youngest son and lived in it for months.

for what reason? she never knew, she had made him a macaroni bracelet when she was seven, and eighteen years later he still wears it proudly on his wrist.

"he's so.. there's truly no words to describe him." she mulled over the different words she could use to describe him yet none of them seemed to fit the man.

"i swear the people here have always loved you more than me.. i was born not thirty minutes from this very circuit. yet i only see hamilton on everyone's back."

"well.. and take no offence to this mia, but he's in a car that can actually win something. you? not so much.." sebastian teased the girl, earning a playful glare from her.

lewis curled over in laughter over sebastian's taunt, "oh think that's funny? at least my team know how to do pitstops." she crossed her arms as the two went silent at her response.

"that one hurt my feelings." sebastian crossed his arms as drivers started to race into the room, lando, alex and george all sitting beside the girl as they talked over one another.

"okay, one at a time." she rolled her eyes as they all slowly grew quiet, watching an elderly man enter the room. after about an hour the briefing came to a close, mia's head turned towards max who was calling her name.

"christian invited you for dinner tonight, you coming?" she took a few strides towards him, folding her arms. "oh come on, you definitely miss the bulls."

"ew. i hated that.' she grimaced at his words before shrugging and looking back at alex. "i think we have a team meeting, but i'll text you if anything changes."

max nodded, giving her arm a small squeeze before making his way out of the room. lewis sat next to seb, his arms crossed across his chest as he watched the interaction.

he had no right to be jealous.. he was the one that ended it, he had absolutely no right. but he couldn't help it.. the only girl he had ever truly loved was right beside him, and he had to act like they'd never even met.

it was painful, but it was something he brought upon himself.

"stop staring, you're gonna scare her." sebastian elbowed the brit, an eye roll being his response as the pair got up to leave. "don't sit around and wait for her to come to you. you fucked it up, you fix it."

the ferrari drivers words played on a loop in his head, could he fix it? would she even want to fix it? his lips curved up into a smile as her laughter filled the room, watching her play-fight with his teammate.

"you're right.." he replied, turning his head to the side. "seb? where the fuck did he go?" he whispered to himself before leaving the crowd.


short chapter , hope you all
enjoyed <33

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