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— .₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ˗ ˏˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ ✧︡ °₊.—

mia stared at her phone, the message still on her screen. "what's wrong?" jasmine raised her eyebrows as her friend shook her head.

"nothing.. i need to go out for a bit. don't wait up?" she rose to her feet and jogged towards the bathroom before jasmine could get a word in.

 don't wait up?" she rose to her feet and jogged towards the bathroom before jasmine could get a word in

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lew 🍄

what's up?

just need to talk.

okay. where?

our spot? twenty minutes?

okay, see you soon

mia wrapped herself up in her jacket, looking once again in the mirror as she ran a hand through her hair. she let out a small sigh, opening the door and running out before jasmine could get a word in edge wise.

after a short drive she was stood at the edge of the pier, looking out at the ocean. "hey. thanks for coming." she looked behind her to see him.

god, how did he look good at every hour of the day. "yeah, what's up lewis? we haven't talked in so long.. why now?" she turned her head back towards the water, watching the waves come and go in small waves.

he let out a small sigh, resting his back on the railings. "do you remember when we first came here?" a small laugh came from his lips, "nico almost killed himself just there-"

"i'm not here for a trip down memory lane lewis.. i'm tired and i have a plane to catch in the morning." she sighed as he nodded, pulling something from his pocket.

her eyes adjusted to the moonlight, watching as he held out the small perfume bottle. "i've been holding onto it because i thought.. it's stupid. i know you're not coming back to me, and i need to let you go. for both of us.."

he placed the bottle in her hand and simply looked at her for a moment, watching her eyes latch to the bottle. and without a word, he walked into the darkness of night.

a small sigh came from her lips, wiping the tear from the corner of her eye. he held onto this for two years? her mind couldn't stop racing, why would he hold onto it when he was the one who ended it.

mia stared at the waves for another minute before taking a deep breath, and walking away. leaving this place in her memories.


after an hour or two of driving around the small apartment building she finally came up a stop. finally her mind had taken a break of what had just occurred, she made her way up her apartment.

"where have you been? it's three in the morning!" jasmine shouted at the girl, stopping her pacing around the small room.

mia laughed at her friends antics, but also not in the mood of explaining her whereabouts. "can we talk in the morning? i am so tired." she threw her jacket on couch, the small perfume bottle in her hand.

"fine." jas threw her hands up and disappeared into her room, as mia followed her actions. she collapsed back into the bedsheets, looking over the bottle.

she opened it and placed a small spray on her wrist, the aroma filling the room. a sad smile came across her face, reminiscent of the first time she smelt it, when lewis brought it to her after a race weekend.

but the one question stayed.

why did he keep it all these years..?


sorry for not updating <33

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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