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— .₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ 𝐬𝐢𝐱 ˗ ˏˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ ✧︡ °₊.—

"what is wrong with you?" jamie, her PR agent scolded her as she threw her helmet onto the couch, looking back at the scorned woman. "you cannot speak about other drivers like that, i don't care who pushed you wide." she scoffed, folding her arms over.

mia rolled her eyes and collapsed back against the wall, tilting her head to look at the woman. "i could've gotten good points if it wasn't for him! i'm allowed to be pissed off."

she ran her hands down her face, looking towards the door of her driver home as it creaked open. james looked towards the two girls, feeling the tension between the two. "jamie, mia. you're needed in the TV pen, get ready and go down."

"best behaviour. you're always going to be a target for people mia.. you're a woman in a man's sport. p-eight is amazing, especially for your first season. don't give people more ammo to hate you."

mia sighed as jamie left the room, she knew that jamie was only trying to protect her. but why should she have to hide her emotions and act like she is this perfect person when if any other driver did the same as her they'd be painted as a hero.

it was complete bullshit.

mia grabbed her phone and water, making her way towards the TV pen. she took a deep breath and smiled towards the reporter and did what she was told. best behaviour.


miajahma posted to their story!caption : 🇮🇹 -> 🇲🇨 

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miajahma posted to their story!
caption : 🇮🇹 -> 🇲🇨 

"you really need to relax." max let out a small laugh as mia rolled her eyes and leant back into the sofa, staring at landos helmets lined up neatly. "when are you leaving?" his head appeared above hers.

"you want rid of me that badly?" she put a hand to her heart in an act of hurt. "when jasmine picks me up, thank you for letting me crash last night." she pulled herself up, crossing her legs.

"that's alright. and your race wasn't as bad as you think it was mia. you put up a really good fight, and it showed." a small smile appeared on her face, looking over at her friend.

"might just quit. how's streaming, would i be good?" she cocked her eyebrow up as he rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh of relief as he heard the doorbell ring.

"war is over!" he shouted out, running towards the apartment door. she scoffed at his excitement of getting rid of the girl. "take her, and don't bring her back. thank you jas."

"he's so mean to me jasmine." she cried out, hiding in her best friends arms as she leant over and smacked the back of the boys head, the pair making their way towards the door. "i hope you have a terrible day." she shouted out.

"you too!" max replied, slamming the door closed as the girls walked along the hallway.

jasmine pressed the elevator lift and looked towards the girl, "thank you so much for letting us have the apartment yesterday, jake's place can hardly hold two people never mind ten." a small laugh came from the brunettes lips as mia collapsed against the wall.

"i just want to get into my own bed, and sleep. sleep for days." she sighed, moving her curls from her face. "and eat. i want jaffa cakes. do they have jaffa cakes in monaco?"

jasmine shook her head at her best friends words, watching as the lift opened. "come on, let's go home." the girls walked towards the car, mia choosing to lie down on the back seat. "is lando and max's apartment that bad?"

"they were up all night streaming. everytime i was starting to doze off, whole building shook as they screamed. i swear to god. i thought there was an earthquake." she held her hands up.

she tilted her head towards her phone, watching it light up. the blood drained from her face as she read the message. "you okay?" jasmines eyes flickered towards the mirror, staring at mia.


lew🍄are you in monaco? can we meetup, need to see you

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are you in monaco? can we meet
up, need to see you..

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