14| torture

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WARNING: Torture, blood


Shit. What do I say? I can't get her in danger. But he already knows. Shit, shit, shit.

"Uhm, uhm" I mumble. "Oh, son, you know what? You don't even need to answer me. I know everything. You see the second you stepped into that school I sent my death eaters to look after you and you know what they told me?" he asks.

Oh, shit. Did they saw us almost kiss? Did they saw us flirting? Or the kisses on cheak? Me being lovely with her? Shit, shit, shit.

"They saw you kiss her cheak. Call her love. They couldn't keep an eye on you all the time but this is enough don't you think?" he asks.

All I could do was nod. "Good, so do you or do you not have a crush on this girl?" he asks. "I do not." I answer. The biggest lie I ever said.

"Oh, really so why are you hanging out with her?" he asks. "Cause she's in my group of friends." I answer.

My friends look at me scared. Not for themselves but for me. I couldn't get better friends. But that care will probably get them killed.

"Uh, well that's no excuse to me. You will not hang out with her in anyway or anytime? Do you understand?" he says.

"But she's my friend. I can't just cut her off without a reason." I say. I fucked up. I am so done.

"She's your friend? How dare you to talk back to me? Now get ready for your punishment" he says.

Sudently I feel his fist punch me right in the nose. "You will hate her." he says and then adds "whether you like it or not? You need to be enemies with her." he spats.

"And now everyone except Lestrenge, older Malfoys and Esmerays leave." he says and the whole hall says "Yes, Lord."

And with that everyone except Malfoys, Lestrenges and Esmarays left. "Good, now you can have fun. And torture this disgrace and traitor of my so called son which I wish was never born" he says.

Huh, joke's on him. I wish I was never born too. He left the room leaving me alone with death eaters that live to torture people especially me.

They wouldn't miss a chance to torture me. I mean torture the son of your Master is what makes them happy.

Narcissa is not here. I don't even know is that good or not. She always treated me good. Never tortured me. She would sometimes even heal my cuts when others weren't looking.

And Lestrenges. They were the worst. Totally crazy. I swear they don't have feelings. They torture for fun and enjoy when their victims scream. That's what makes them happy. Creepy and crazy I know.

And Esmerays. They were forced on everything. They weren't enjoying this at all but they couldn't say no to Dark Lord. They respect him too much.

So now I'm trapped in a black dark room. With crazy death eaters that want to torture me. Great.

"Let's start, shall we?" One dollar store Barbie says. (We don't have Dolar store in my country so I don't know is that how it's called)

"Yes, we shall" Bellatrix said and they all laughed like maniacs. How many crazy people do I know?

First I got punched in my stomach and then at my nose. The worst part about this is that I couldn't fight back.

Then they started beating me while laughing. At this point I was bleeding very very much. But this isn't even the start.

"Crucio" Bellatrix yells laughing. I feel the pain in my head. It's like thousands daggers stabbed me.

They all laugh as I start bleeding. They didn't stop there. They continued beating me while I was dying from pain in every inch of my body but especially my head.

"Ugh, s-stop t-t-this." I stutter. The pain in my head only getting worse as they beat me. I think these are my last moments.

They just laughed at my words continuing what they were doing. Not that they had mercy. They had none but what they had is mental illness.

They didn't stop. Instead Rodolphus Lestrenge said "Sectumsempra" and just like that I started bleeding out.

My whole body was in pain. I won't see her again. Shit. How did that girl had so much affect on me? I met her a week ago and now I'm dying for her.

I close my eyes as pain takes over my body. I forget the fact that I'll probably die right now. I imagine her angelic face.

Her beautiful eyes in which I get lost so many times. Her warm smile that makes the whole room light up. Her soft y/h/c hair that falls so perfectly hypnotizing you to touch it. My girl was perfect in every way possible. My girl.

I didn't even get a chance to tell her I like her. Oh well she would definitely reject me anyway. I mean please who would date me? Who would date Dark Lord's son? No one is a right answer to this question.

Just as I reconciled with my faith. I hear the door of the hall open. The loud footsteps I memorized as a child that was growing up in very abusive household. My father.

I open my eyes. Pain still here. Me bleeding out but death eaters still beating me till death. "That's enough. I'll take it from here." my so called father says.

"Yes, Lord." death eaters say before bowing and walking out. Those bitches. They feel so powerful torturing me but the second my father walks in, they are his poor loyal followers.

"So son, they were gentle. But you know me, I don't have mercy like them. So you will hate that girl right?" he asks and I stay silent. They had mercy yeah right.

"I ASKED YOU SOMETHING!" he yells while whispering spell I didn't manage to hear. Making me get thrown to the wall.

I close my eyes and it all goes black.

(Ha, you thought he died and chapter ended well think again biach (no offense to anyone it's just a joke)

I start gaining my consciousness. I slightly open my eyes seeing my surroundings. Cold gray walls covered with layers of dust.

I try to stretch my arms but I can't. I look at my wrist just to find myself tied to a chair. My legs, my arms, my torso all tied.

I look around and notice a tall dark ugly figure in the shadow corner. "Aha, the sleeping beauty is awake?" bald no nose thingy says.

"Not really." I answer. "I don't really care. What I care about is you hanging out with Y/n Potter." he says.

"Sooo, it's either you hate her or..." he says. "Or what?" I ask. "Or this. Crucio." he yells and the pain in my head becomes major issue.

"Stop t-that." I barely said. "Only if you tell me you'll hate her." he says.

"I-I'll h-hate h-h-her." I say knowing damm well that I won't. How could I when it's the exact opposite. I like her and I'm supposed to hate her.

"Good" he says as pain in my head stops. "Now leave, and if my death eaters see you acting all nice with her trust me next time I will have no hesitation in killing you." he says as I nod.

Nothing new. I leave Malfoys Manor. I need to make her hate me cause if I don't I will not be able to stop myself next to her.


A/N: Hello there, if you hate me right now just wait till the next chapter. Also PLEASE CHECK OUT MY ONE SHOTS I'M BEGGING YOU I KNOW FIRST FEW ARE BAD BUT IT GETS BETTER LATER, PLEASE. That's all. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 500 READS! Thank you for reading. Ly all ♡♡♡

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