Chapter One Ryder Awakens {this is a short one basically, setting the scene}

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Waking with a start, head pounding and muscles aching. You turn around, blinking to get your bearings, events from the past few days return and you groan.   "That is the last time I get involved in another person's business."    Rubbing your neck and shoulders to ease the soreness, a small fire is crackling on the hearth in your room. It's warm light oddly comforting. You walk towards it and rub your hands to warm them.    "Where the hell am I?"    You mutter to yourself covering your arms with a blanket. Sitting there gazing into the flames you hear a faint noise, like a guitar, and you strain your ears to try and pick up where it's coming from. Putting your ear to your door you listen intensely, and yelp when you realize it is a guitar.   "What's a guitar doing in a place like this?"   You mumble and open your door, heading down the hall towards the sound. The strumming gets louder the further down the hall you go, you get more excited as it gets closer, someone here loves music as much as you do. Before you know it, you're in front of a large ornate door, heavy wood, maybe oak? It has large silver embellishments of what appears to be an upside down cross with a G in the middle, you shrug your shoulders, knocking softly putting your ear to the door with a smile. The musician is in this room, and you open the large door quietly, there's someone over on the far side by the fire strumming a guitar and every few notes or so a pen scratch on paper and is followed by a grumble. They're composing, how interesting. You listen for a minute before clearing your throat to announce your presence. The figure by the fire jumps, startled, letting out a small shout and a curse. He, you're assuming it's he by the height.    "How did you get in here?"    Yep, it's a man, no woman could have a voice that deep.    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I heard the music after I woke up and wanted to see where it was coming from, and I followed it here."     Looking down at your feet, feeling a bit embarrassed. He rises and with a chuckle, he lights an oil lamp.    "Bold of you, young man." You blush a deep red, not meeting his eyes.     "I um..."    Trailing off unsure of what to say. He chuckles again, a warm sound, that makes you feel safe.    "It's alright, I just didn't know you were there, may I ask, what is your name young man?"    "I um, it's Ryder."    He clasps your hand in tight grip and smiles, one that goes straight to his eyes, that seem to sparkle.    "Pleased to meet you, I'm Copia. I run this place."    "Where is here anyway?"    He answers.    "You're at the Ministry, it's a bit dark but it's home I suppose, how did you come to be here?"    "I was found by one of your Sisters of Sin? I believe is what she called herself."    "Ah, so you're the foundling everyone has been on about."    You nod sheepishly, suddenly unable to answer.    "I must apologize we haven't met before now; it's been a bit crazier than normal around here, with the new sermons and such needing to be written and delivered. That's what I was doing when you came in trying to write them in time."    You nod stupidly. He smiles again and you suddenly notice his one silver eye.    "I um, I'm sorry but your eye is different, I've never seen that before." 

"Oh, a family trait, we all have it, or did, my brothers have passed on." He goes quiet a moment and a look of sadness crosses his tired face.    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." He smiles softly at you, a wistful look on his face.    "I do miss them, especially, Terzo, he taught me everything I know." He trails off and you sense asking more would be a bit too rude for having just met the man.    "I um, I'm sorry I bothered you; I'll be going now. I guess I'll see you around than?" "I just liked your music and wanted to hear more, I used to play guitar."    You shrug and start to walk away back towards the door, hoping you didn't just ruin a potential friendship by being nosey, you always ended up losing people you care about because you're too nosey for you own good, it's what got you into this mess in the first place. Before you leave, he puts a hand on your shoulder and gives it a squeeze.    "I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow, we can talk more than if you'd like?" Nodding with a smile, heading back to your room. Once back in your room, you're suddenly exhausted and fall back into your bed.

A Ghoul in the Making by Ryder FrostWhere stories live. Discover now