Chapter 17: The Argument

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I am sorry dear readers for waiting so long to publish a new chapter, holidays and then I was sick and just got to feeling well enough to publish this. Enjoy the surprise inside. :)

Storm and Artemis walked hand in hand towards the offices. They stopped in front of one of the Conference rooms, Papa and Imperator were talking, Papa gesturing wildly and Imperator was standing there tapping her foot impatiently. Storm pressed his ear to the door, and he could hear them arguing. He winced as he heard what they were arguing about and looked at Artemis sadly. "They're arguing about us, apparently, you're promised to Orpheus. Papa is telling her she can't control who Ghouls mate with and definitely not who they're meant to be with." Artemis's jaw fell agape. "I'm promised to that monster?!" She growled and stormed into the room and her tail swayed in anger, Storm followed her trying to stop her. "YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO PROMISE ME TO ANYONE MOTHER!!" Storm blinked and looked at Artemis in confusion and surprise. Sister Imperator and Papa stopped arguing and turned to face them. Imperator huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, come on now, I've been with other people aside from Nihil jeez you Quintessence Ghoul, pick your jaw up off the floor, it's not becoming of you." Storm and Papa shook their heads. Artemis took a step towards Imperator and lifted a lip in a snarl, she was one pissed off Ghoulette and the sight of her this way made him hard for her and he coughed and quickly turned away to hide his tented jeans, he quickly tamped down the thoughts but not before Papa caught them and chuckled. He leaned against the wall and looked from Artemis to Imperator. "How dare you promise me to that monster, he's not worth the dirt under my boots, I'm a grown Ghoulette and my mate is in this room, and nobody will change that. Not you, and certainly not Orpheus." She huffed swishing her tail angrily.

"Artemis, dear, it's for the best that you don't question me on this, our line is thinning out and Orpheus is the best there is, he'll protect you better than this." She looked towards Storm and sneered. "Then this Quintessence Ghoul can." It was Storm's turn to yell.

"I AM TWICE THE SIZE THAT HE IS, DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE LICKING I GAVE HIM DURING THE HUNT AND AGAIN IN THE HALLWAY WHEN HE ATTACKED ME?!" He snarled at Imperator, and he felt a string of thought from Papa. "Take it easy my boy, you'll just make things worse for yourself." Storm crossed his arms over his chest. "I may be a Quintessence Ghoul but I'm stronger than you think." With that he left the room, Papa followed him and they watched the two women argue for a few minutes. Storm sighed and looked at his Papa and sank against the wall. "Papa, what if Imperator's right, what if I'm not good enough for Artemis and why does she hate Quintessence Ghouls so much?" He sighed and put his head in his hands. Papa chuckled. "Storm, nobody is a better fit for her than you are, and as far as not liking Quintessence Ghouls, Artemis's Sire was one and he was banished by Nihil for using a human." Storm nodded. Tears rolled down his cheeks and Papa gave him a hug careful to not jostle his injured arm and he smiled. "Calm down my boy, things will be fine. Imperator is stubborn but she won't interfere with you and Artemis. No more than the others and I will so quit worrying, ok?" Storm nodded and looked up as the door opened and Artemis stepped out her face streaked with tears and Storm got up and held her to him, caressing her hair. "What happened Artemis?"

"Mother, says I'm still to bed with Orpheus so I can bear his kit, she says it's been promised to Satan himself and I can't question it, but it's you I want, it's you I'm meant to be with, and you I love." Storm looked at Papa and Papa grumbled under his breath. "I'll put a stop to this, she may be Sister Superior but I am the one in charge here and she will obey me, whether she wants to or not, carry on you two I'll handle this." With that Papa went back into the room and his booming voice filled the room as his influence reached the two Ghouls outside the door, they shuddered as the Connection kept them in place and they listened and watched as he spoke to her in his commanding voice. "You will not keep them apart, Orpheus has the right to choose who he lays with and the bond between Storm and Artemis would not allow for her to lay with another, she cares too much for him to be with that no brained oaf of an Earth Ghoul, that is my final say and should I find out otherwise, you both will feel my wrath AM I UNDERSTOOD?!" Imperator backed against the wall shaking with fear. "I understand Papa, I'll keep Orpheus away from them, please uh excuse me, Clergy matters to attend to." She bowed her head to him and scurried away and out the door, walking as fast as her heels would let her. Storm and Artemis watched her go and laughed. "What's so funny?" Papa asked as he walked from the room, looking every bit the Satanic Pope, he was. The two ghouls looked at one another and burst out laughing again and soon enough Papa joined them. "Go on now you two, Storm rehearsal starts in an hour for the love of Satan please be on time, don't let the fact you've found your mate keep you from your duties" he said with a wink and walked away towards the rehearsal room. Storm rolled his eyes and he heard Papa shout from the hallway. "I saw that thought Storm, don't even think about it until after the tour." Papa laughed as he walked away, and Storm kissed Artemis and led her back to her room. "You going to be alright?" She smiled and pecked his cheek. "I'll be alright, go before you're late." Storm kissed her one last time before heading off down the hall to the rehearsal room. 

A Ghoul in the Making by Ryder FrostWhere stories live. Discover now