Chapter 23: Copia

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This is a bit of a different point of view. Bit of angst and masturbation.

He'd just gotten home and strings of thoughts from his Ghouls ran through Copia's head and they were starting to get him worked up. Dew and Swiss were going at it and then he'd catch Storm and Artemis's thoughts. It was beginning to make him wish he had someone to share his life with but alas, he hadn't found anyone yet and the Ghost Project took most of his time anyway. He sighed if Aether were still here, he would hook up with him, but the Old Ghoul hadn't called or texted or anything since his departure and it made him quite sad. He and the old Quintessence Ghoul had had a good thing going before he decided to leave the Ministry and Ghost. Copia ran his hands through his hair and sighed sitting on the edge of his bed. He closed his eyes and got lost in his memories, memories that were probably best forgotten but Copia couldn't forget the love he'd had for his Quintessence Ghoul. He should've told him, but he never thought Aether would leave, he had always seemed happy enough here at the Ministry and in Copia's arms. Before he could stop them, tears began to roll down Copia's face smearing his Papal paints and he just gave into the emotions and cried until the tears no longer flowed. He sniffled and went to take a shower and grumbled when he stood and saw his pants had a tent in them, his Ghouls' thoughts kept flowing into his head and he shouted at them. "Damn it Ghouls will you please reign it in?!" He was met with a series of sorry Papas, but the thoughts still came, sometimes the Connection between a Papa and their Ghouls was rather annoying. He glared down at his pants and grumbled as he started his shower. He leaned against the warm stream of water, grabbing the soap, he lathered his hands and used the suds as lubricant and grasped his hard shaft in his fist and began to pump it. He pictured Aether's hands on him and their mouths together in a deep kiss, that would leave them both breathless. He groaned the warm water pelted his back and he pumped his cock hard and fast, Aether gripped him in his mind's eye and in his fantasy, he was lining himself up against Aether's ass and using his slick, guided his cock into him and he moaned as he pumped his cock thrusting his hips fucking his hand, remembering how wonderful it felt buried deep inside Aether. He ran his other hand down his chest and belly, his eyes still closed and with a long low growl he emptied himself into his hand, the action left him panting as the images faded from his mind, tears once again began to fall. He finished his shower, and the water ran down his face, washing the black and white paint away and down the drain. He turned the water off and leaned against the cool wall for a few moments before exiting the shower stall. He was still panting and was still semi-hard but at least the Ghouls seemed to have fallen asleep, because his mind was now quiet other than his own sad thoughts, one small thought crossed his mind though and it made him smile through his tears. "Hey boss, you, ok?" It was Storm's voice and Copia chuckled and shook his head, that ghoul was always worried about him. "Yeah, my boy I'm fine, go on back to sleep. Spend time with Artemis and not worrying about an old man like me." He felt Storm's questioning thought but thankfully, the Ghoul left it alone. "Goodnight Papa,try not to dwell too much on Aether." Copia sighed and rubbed his neck with his hands and lay down on his bed staring at the ceiling. Tears spilled freely from his eyes again and he curled up on his side and willed himself to sleep. Unfortunately, even in sleep his memories tormented him. His dreams were full of the times he and Aether spent together, at Rituals and outside of the Ministry, they laughed and bantered with one another and a few of the dreams turned to erotic dreams and more than once he was woken with a raging hard on that he'd just ignore and try to go back to sleep. Finally, after a few hours he gave up trying to sleep at all and wandered out towards Primo's garden, he walked towards the isolated part and sat down on the bench in front of the giant tree and screamed his hurt towards the sky. He sat and screamed until his throat was raw, finally, he collapsed on the mossy ground shuddering sobs wracked his body.  He cried out towards the cosmos willing the Ghoul to hear him, when deep down he knew he wouldn't. Copia's Ghouls and Ghoulettes had heard his mental screams and they tried to reach out to him but either he was too upset to pay attention, or he was just ignoring them, it worried the Ghouls and Ghoulettes but there was nothing they could do at this time of night, so they all just did their best to rest. Hours passed and finally, Copia fell into an exhausted sleep not waking until the sun pricked at his closed eyes, he opened them and sat up groaning at how sore he was, he stood up and dusted his pants and shirt off and made his way back to the Ministry. He was almost knocked off his feet when his Ghouls ran into him, they all thumped to the floor with a collective yelp and looked up at him. "Papa, you're ok!" They all said at the same time, and he looked down at them, laughing at how silly they looked. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" They all blinked at him.

"You were so sad last night, and we couldn't contact you, your thoughts were so emotional it got us all worried." Dew said quietly. Copia smiled down at his Ghouls and Ghoulettes and helped them all back to their feet. "I had a rough night, sad memories and things but I'm alright, I promise." He says grabbing them all into a group hug. "Thank you for worrying about me." They all nodded at him, and they wanted to say more but the way he looked and the way his shoulders were slumped kept them from saying anything more. They nodded and went about the rest of their days. Storm and Artemis lingered, "We'll talk later you two." He shooed them away with a nod and a wan smile and they both nodded back and walked away, hand in hand chattering softly. Copia watched them all leave and went about his business for the day. There were meetings to attend and Rehearsals to plan. He would deal with his emotions later. 

A Ghoul in the Making by Ryder FrostWhere stories live. Discover now