Chaper 15: Playtime

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This is another smutty chapter. I hope you all enjoy it and if you want something to listen to as you read, give Closer by Nine Inch Nails a listen. 

Artemis could feel his eyes upon her as he looked at her body and she swallowed. She had been gazing into the flames, lost in thought. When he had touched her, it felt as if a pulse of electricity had hit her, her heart began to pound in her chest, and she could feel her clit twitch with desire. She could smell his scent, Cedar and woodsmoke and it set her to imagining any manner of things they would do together. She flushed and turned towards him. He yelped when he noticed she had turned towards him and she noticed his flushed cheeks and the tent in his pants, he had been checking her out. "See something you like Storm?" She said flirtatiously and he shook his head as if he were clearing it. "Uh..." He trailed off and she giggled at him and leaned closer to him, so that their bodies nearly touched, she trailed her claws over his muscular chest, feeling his sculpted abs and he groaned softly, swaying his tail.

"I uh, Artemis, you uh might want to stop." She smirked at how flustered he had gotten.

"Now why would I want that, Storm?" She whispered huskily into his ear flicking her tongue out to lick his neck and graze it with her fangs, he groaned softly, his eyes darting from side to side, and she growled at him. Storme blinked in surprise as she shoved him down onto the floor and straddled him, pinning him with a knee on his stomach and a hand on his chest, he fell with a slight oof and he stared at her his mouth agape as if he were surprised she'd act this way with him. Artemis smirked at him and leaned down kissing him deeply and she felt that zip of electricity again. "Did you feel that?" She looked down at him as he struggled to undo his obviously, very uncomfortable pants. He looked at her, a questioning look on his face and then a look of surprise, he then snarled at her and gripped her back digging his claws in. At that moment, she knew he'd felt it too and she scooted down a bit so he could get his belt undone and she unzipped the zipper sliding it down and she giggled at his groan as his cock stood hard and ready for her, its purple head leaking beads of precum along the side, she licked her lips at the sight of it and she lowered her head and flicked her tongue along the tip and over the side of it. He growled softly and his thighs quivered. "Mmm there's a good boy, show me what you've got." She said huskily, she could feel his claws digging into her back as they tore her shirt. He tried to move but she still had him held in place. He was putty in her claws, and she found herself quite enjoying it. She took him into her mouth and flicked her tongue around his shaft and up to his tip, lapping at it, his low growls reached her ears, and she knew she had him right where she wanted him, pulses of energy surged through her, and it drove her on and by the way he was acting he felt them too.

Storm watched her as she lowered her head to lick his pre from his tip and he groaned softly. He dug his claws into the fabric of her shirt, he knew it'd leave bruises, but he'd worry about that later, she sat atop him. Her knee's weight on his stomach and her hand on his chest, keeping him in place and he found himself wild with desire, he growled low in his throat, feeling that pulse of energy flowing through him. She sucked him off with skill, as if she'd done this many a time, and he bucked his hips moving his cock in her throat, his moans becoming louder as she moved her lips and her tongue, bobbing her head up and down. Quickly, though she changed tact and straddled him, he tried to get up but a snarl and look from her and he fell back to the carpet. She captured his mouth with hers, kissing him with urgency and she sank herself onto his thick cock, he hissed in a breath and tried to take charge, but she pinned his wrists above his head. "Don't you dare move boy!" She snarled at him, and he found himself incredibly turned on by her dominance. She rode him hard and fast; he flicked his tail as she moved and he wanted to sink his teeth into her shoulder, marking her as his, he didn't know what it was about her, but he never wanted her to let him go. His bicep ached as he held her steady but it wasn't as painful as before, more like a steady burning where he'd been injured, he'd regret this later when it was throbbing, but right now he just wanted to feel her around him and himself deeply inside her.

Artemis rode Storm's cock; she moaned as she rode him and he was giving her the most feral look she'd ever seen from a male ghoul and it turned her on even more she leaned down and sank her fangs into his shoulder, making him gasp. She let his wrists go and dug her claws into his chest and belly as she rode him and he bucked his hips, matching her rhythm, she watched his tail swish across the carpet, he growled low and she could feel him tense and his cock twitch inside her, she screamed as pleasure overtook her, her orgasm slammed into her, she rode him harder and faster, he gripped her hips and he sank his own fangs into her and with a snarl Storm exploded inside her, his seed warm and thick filling her. They moved together, as they came down from their orgasms. She looked into his eyes, and she saw tenderness there as he brushed hair from her face and leaned up to kiss her. Artemis panted, her chest rising and falling, her heart still hammering in her chest. She blushed. "I uh I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." She got off Storm, he was still panting, and he sat up, his muscled chest glistened with sweat and his cock now lay semi-hard between his legs, his cum dripped from the tip falling to his leg. He smiled at her.

"It's ok Artemis, I have no idea what that was, but it was incredible, the best I've had." Artemis looked at him as she knelt on the carpet, her tail swayed softly, and the flames reflected in her green eyes. She winced as the mark he'd left on her ached small lines of blood trickled from the fang marks, she looked him over, he was covered in her scratches, and he had the same fang marks on his shoulder, where she'd bitten him. He was a sight for sure, he looked like a mess, and she sighed and stood up.

"Come on, let's go get cleaned up." She held out a clawed hand to him and helped him to his feet. Sparks danced between them, and she squeezed his hand tighter, he squeezed back and nodded at her as they went to shower. 

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