Chapter 12: Storm joins the Band

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After Aether's departure things had gone insane with practice and you had been officially initiated into the band, as their Quintessence Ghoul. You cursed messing up, yet another chord and growl annoyed with yourself, you didn't understand this new guitar, you were much better on your Bass than this Strat. Your fingers kept stumbling and getting caught up in the strings. The others looked at you with encouraging smiles and helped tap you back into the song. Finally, after two hours you could play the song properly and sigh with relief. "Finally, Satanas that took far too long, I'm sorry everyone." The others look at you and smile. Cumulus looks over and shrugs a small smile on her lips as she gives your shoulders a reassuring squeeze.

"We all had a rough start learning new instruments, you'll get there Storm."

You shrug and run your claws over your neck. "I certainly hope so." You look over at the others who had put their instruments away and they started chatting amongst themselves. You still felt like an outsider and went to sit by yourself, your tail swaying as you lost yourself in your thoughts. Copia came up to you and tapped your shoulder, making you jump and yelp. "W w what is it?" You looked at him and he smiled at you. "You're not going to get it right away Storm, my boy, nobody ever does." You sigh, still worried about disappointing everyone.

"I just, Aether was the heart of the band, and I don't think I'll ever live up to his reputation and I don't want to disappoint any of you." Copia looked at you with a twinkle in his mismatched eyes, his silver one gleamed in the lights and you looked at him smiling shakily. Copia speaks softly in a reassuring tone a father might give to his son.

"Storm, you are just as important as he was, he just couldn't handle things anymore, he's our oldest Ghoul and he was just tired of it, you'll be fine just keep practicing and the others will help you too, we're all a family and we're all here for each other." You smile and nod as the others finish cleaning up the room before they head out for the rest of the day. You put your guitar over your back and stand brushing your pants off. "Thanks Papa, I needed that." He smiles back at you and walks out of the practice room and you follow behind him to head back to your room, but as you're rounding the hallway to your room, the scent of cedar and pine assaults your nose. It's Orpheus and he's hanging out in the hallway by your room.

Notes: Ah haha sorry for the cliffhanger guys and gals, what do you think Orpheus wants this time? Leave me some comments and maybe you'll see a few of your ideas in the next chapter. Until then thanks for reading. NemA. 

A Ghoul in the Making by Ryder FrostWhere stories live. Discover now