Chapter 10: Aether (Listen to The Sound of Silence by Disturbed if you wish)

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Awhile later, you're hanging out in your room and practicing on your bass, you hear a smattering of thoughts here and there from the others and from Papa. You chuckle hearing Swiss and Dew together and try to ignore those, feeling as if you're intruding on them. The Ghoulettes are quiet, but images flash through your head quickly, they must be asleep. It was quite late. Suddenly, a thread of thought comes through, and you hear your name come up but politely try to ignore it, but curiosity gets the best of you, and you stop what you're doing and listen to the thoughts, it was Aether thinking about how to talk to Papa, his thoughts were jumbled as if he were trying to find the right words to say.

"He'll be a good replacement for me, he's young. I'm getting too old for these shenanigans." You gasp, what does Aether mean by that, you put it away for later and just continue practicing your bass.

Back to Aether:

Aether knocks on the large office door, taking a deep breath. He tried to hide his thoughts, but he knew the others and Papa could sense them, he felt a collective sigh form in his mind and a few comments along the lines of "Please, don't leave. "We need you" coming from the others. Aether just shook his head when he entered the office. Papa was sitting at his large Mahogany desk, his paints washed away for the night but a bit of black still stained his eyes and Aether chuckled leaning against the doorframe. "You missed a spot Papa, there below your eyes." Aether's heart ached knowing this would be the last time he'd see his Papa like this, human, not a Satanic Pope, he'd miss moments like this, where they could just sit and talk. Copia jumped at the sound of Aether's voice, and he felt a lump form in his throat seeing him there. "Ah, Aether come in my friend, come in, have a seat. What is it you wished to talk to me about so late?"

"Um Papa, I need to speak to you about retirement, I just can't do it anymore, the constant traveling and being away from home. I just want to settle down somewhere, I'm getting too old for these things, each gig I just get more tired afterwards." Copia looks at Aether for a moment and stands clasping the Ghoul's shoulder. "Aether, you're an integral part of the band, we'd hate to lose you, but I do understand." A collective cry crosses both of their minds and Aether's shoulder sag and tears spring to his eyes. He swallows the lump in his throat before speaking again. "Papa, you and I both know I was never meant for the spotlight like this, my Turning was only because you saved my life after that accident, years ago. Storm will be a great replacement, and it isn't like I'm going to be gone for good." Another collective cry in their minds and Aether sighs. "Ya'll quit it; it isn't like you won't see me I'm still around, just not in the band." He scolds them in irritation. Papa chuckles and shakes his head. "Alright Aether, you are free to go with my Blessing and the Blessing of the Clergy." Papa hugs Aether tightly and they're both shaken as the Connection between them all is severed, an emptiness resounds inside Aether's mind and tears leak from his eyes and he openly begins to sob, his shoulders shaking as he hugs his Papa. The door slams open and a rush of running feet as the others, Storm, included, rush into Papa's office. They all hugged Aether tightly sobbing loudly. As sad as he is, Aether knew this was the best decision. Papa sniffles and his shoulders shake as he too begins to cry at losing his most trusted friend. "Aether, you'll always be welcome within these walls, anytime you wish." Aether smiles sadly and bows his head, exiting the office, to go and live another life, a quieter one, one that doesn't involve screaming fans and insane expectations. He was glad Storm was skilled enough to take over, but he also felt a bit sorry for the Ghoul, he had large shoes to fill, and the others wouldn't be easy on him. Aether heard small steps behind him, and he turned, meeting Storm's grey-blue eyes, spilling over with tears. "What is it, Storm?" Aether smiled at the young Ghoul, not yet come into his own.

Storm asked the question that had nagged at him since they said goodbye in the office," Are you leaving because I came along, did I mess up your position here?"

Aether looked at him smiling softly and shook his head.

"No, of course not, Papa knew I've wanted to retire some time now, they all did but it just wasn't the right time. None of this is your fault Storm, you'll do well with the band and I'm sure you'll be a crowd favorite in no time at all." Storm nodded wiping his eyes, he looked at Aether and his eyes welled again, Aether pulled the young Ghoul into his strong arms and held him a moment, his own eyes spilled over again. "Ah now come on young buck, you got this, you all do. You guys don't need an old fart like me cramping your style." Aether chuckled softly swiping his hand across his eyes and tussled Storm's hair. "Goodbye Storm, good luck and have fun!"

"Goodbye Aether, see you around." Storm gave him one last hug and watched as he walked away through the Ministry doors, to begin another life outside the Ministry. Your eyes welled with tears again and the others joined you, you all hear heavier footfalls and see Copia, he sighed running his hands through his salt and pepper hair and you could all see the thoughts warring inside his mind, he wanted to go after Aether and bring him back, convince him to stay but you all knew, his decision had been made and he was done with the band, but each of you also knew he'd be back sometime and l took comfort in that. Copia looked at you and gave you a small half smile and clasped your shoulder. "Storm, you're the Quintessence Ghoul now, be proud of that and be strong, eh?" You sigh, running your claws through your hair. "I'll do my best Copia." Copia nods and looks to the others. "Now, to bed all of you, it's late and we have a lot of things to do tomorrow." The other Ghouls nod and disperse, but you, you just stand there staring at the door sadly, still feeling like this was somehow, your fault.

"Storm, my boy, it wasn't your fault, Aether, is Aether. Go on now, go and get some sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow." You jump a bit when you hear Copia's voice in your head again and chuckle. You'll never get used to that. With a last look at the door, you head back to your room and fall into a fitful rest.

Notes: Well, I do apologize for the angsty chapter, I was feeling slightly melancholy when I wrote this. I hope you all enjoyed it. 

A Ghoul in the Making by Ryder FrostWhere stories live. Discover now