Chapter 5

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A young man in white are kneeling in front off a cottage door, his sword laying next him and his hands rested on his knees.  "Father, Wanji needs your help. But first I will tell father the reason". So Lan Wanji told his father about the three young time travelers and what had happened and what was said." So father when uncle heard that Wanji and Wei Ying were mates in that time line. He put Wanji in seclusion. Father I am not saying that I am not at fault also but I knew since the first night we fought on the roof that Wei Ying was my mate. I did not know how to tell or approach him. And I myself had done Wei Ying also wrong by not telling uncle that he was my mate. I am afraid that uncle will force me with the elders to marry someone else. Father please will you help me?. Will you help Wei Ying?. I know that you are in seclusion but will you just this one time, do this for me. I promise I won't asked for anything again. Father do you hear me"?. It was quiet for what seems like a long time when Lan Wanji heard footsteps coming towards the door. He waited with anticipation but the door did not open immediately. He hanged his head and stood up. He bowed and said." Wanji will be leaving now. Thank you for listening to me father". With his sword in hand he turns and starts to walk away when the door slides opened.
"Wanji". Lan Wanji stopped and turns around. For a moment he thought that he must be imagining it but his father spoke again." Wanji it is good to see you". Qinghen-Jun said to his son. Wanji bows and said."It is good seeing father also". He said." So where is this Wei Ying you spoke off and the three time travelers". Qinghen-Jun asked." Wanji does not know father, but Wei Ying is here with the other sect heirs and their disciples. He is the head the disciple of the YungmiangJiang sect father". Lan Wanji answers. Qinghen-Jun slides the door close behind him as he steps outside. Breathing in the fresh crispy air. Filling his lungs and blew it out slowly. "Than let's go and talk to this young man and your uncle". He said and walked towards Lan Wanji. The two started to walk side by side towards the outer courtyard of the Cloud Recess. And through the whispers and looks been giving to the them by the disciples standing around they found out that the sects are gathering in the orchid room. As the came closer they heard the shouting and arguing coming from the inside. Qinghen-Jun pushed the door open and everyone's head turns towards the sound. Sharp inhale of breaths were sounding through the room when they saw the Lan sect Leader stand there with his son, the second jade. They walked into the hall, Qinghen-Jun eyes glides over the hall taking in the shocked faces around him before it stopped on his brother and elders.
He place his hand on Lan Wanji's shoulder and they both made their way to the front. Stopping infront of Xichen. "Father". He said softly with a shocked voice." Son. We will talk later". Qinghen-Jun said as he gave his son a small nod of the head and Xichen returns it. He turns his head towards his brothers shocked face and said." Brother it's good to see again. This one greets the elders also". Master Lan came out of his shock and disbelief and said." It's good to see you too. But what are you doing here? And Wanji why did you leave your seclusion? I did not give you permission to do so". "That's the reason I am here Qiren. You put my son in seclusion for no valid reason. He had done nothing wrong or am I wrong". He leveled his brother with a challenging look.
Master Lan huff and said." He knows the reasons why I did it". Qinghen-Jun asked him in a very calm voice." And what might that reasons be brother. Do enlightening me". Everyone in the hall listen and watch with bated breath. "What do you think this is all about?". Jiang Cheng whispers to Wei Ying. "I don't know". He answers back. "Wanji knows what I have said. And I had made myself clear to him, no need to repeat myself". Master Lan said with an unpleasant face. " Brother you disappoint me. I did not know even after all these years that you would be so petty and full of anger to it out on my son and Wei Wuxian. Pathetic  really". Soft whispers sounded through the room at his words. Wanji stood tall next to his father. Qinghen-Jun turns not giving his brother a chance to answer who's face was red with anger and embarrassment. He faced the crowd in front of him and spoke. " Wei Wuxian could you please stand up and come to me". Qinghen-Jun eyes glides over to the Jiang and Wei Ying could feel his face heats up as everyone else's eyes turns to him but  he still got up and made his way to the front. He bowed before the Lan sect Leader avoiding Lan Wanji's eyes as he came up. "It's a pleasure meeting you Wei Wuxian. Wanji had told some interesting things". The man said and Wei Ying's eyes grew wide as he looked at Qinghen-Jun than at Lan Wanji. "I want you to go stand there next to Wanji for me. There something that I need to say". He said and Wei Ying did as told. Now everyone was confused as to what this is all about." Fengmian my son has inform me that since the night he met Wei Wuxian he knew that he was his mate but he never informed him because he was scared that the young man might not feel the same. So as Wei Wuxian is your ward I presume. I would like to offer an engagement between the two. They of course will first have to get to know each other and as it seems that the young man is already in the Cloud Recess for his studies it would be a perfect time for them to get better acquainted don't you think". "No I will not allow it. Wei Wuxian will marry who I chose for him and no one else. He is the head disciple of the YungmiangJiang sect and there for I have every right to deny such an offer". Madame Yu said with a angry frown on her face.
"My lady please let's not be unreasonable now". "Unreasonable. Fengmian that boy does not belong in Lan sect. He is nothing but trouble just like that mother of him always was. He will serve the sect and us and he will repay his debt he owns us even it means in blood of his death". She sneers at he husband who just sighs and shakes his head. Many of the other sect leaders agrees with her. Wei Wuxian should pay his debt to the Jiang as they have taken him of the streets. "So what you are saying Yu Furen is that this boy owes you a debt. An unplayable one at that. You expect him to lay down his life for you and your family no matter the cost to his own life. Am I understanding this correctly?". Qinghen-Jun asked." Yes. We took of the streets. Gave him a place to live. Gave him food to eat. Gave him the opportunity to form a golden core. So yes he owes us for everything we had done for him. His the son of a servant and he will serve my son and protect my children ". She said as she looks at the sect Leader. " I see. Wei Wuxian give me your wrist". Wei Ying who was standing with his head hang low stretch out his arm and Qinghen-Jun took it and send a small sliver of spiritual energy through. Closing his eyes he concentrated and a small frown starts to form between his eyes. He opened his eyes and let go of Wei Ying's wrist before he spoke again. "Xichen and Wanji could you take Wei Wuxian to the healers for me. I just need to confirm something and tell them to do a complete examination for me of him". They both shook their heads and the three walked out of the room. He looked at Madame Yu and said." If I am correct Yu Furen than you have alot of explaining to do. Fengmian as the head of your household you knows everything that goes on. Do you not?.
He asked the Jiang sect Leader. "Yes sect Leader I do. But what is this all about. There is nothing wrong with A-Xian". Instead of answering him the Lan sect Leader said instead. "I am appalled and disappointed in you Qiren and Yu Furen. Taking out you jealousy and anger out on the son of Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze. Two people who had done nothing to you just as their son. Your own insecurities is laughable at best. Every man and alpha in this room had a crush on Cangse. Am I right?". Many agreed to his statement. "So she shaved your beard and broke the rules. Does that give you the right to hold that old grudge for years after her death. Your husband chose you Yu Furen and still you can't let go of the fact that he once was in love with her. She married Wei Changze. The man and alpha she loved. How pathetic must you not be and insecure in your own marriage and life that you chose to make a boys life miserable just to satisfy and sooth your own short comings". He looked between his brother and Ziyuan as he spoke.

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