Chapter 21

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I forgot about one person🤦‍♀️. Wen Xu, I am sorry, dear🙏🫣.

The next morning, the Nie and Lan disciples arrived at the barrier. Lan Wangji were meeting them by creating an opening and letting them through. The people of Yiling watch them with curiosity as they were led towards the mansion. Once they were all standing in the front yard, their respective sect leaders informed them why they were here and for what reason. Every one of them bowed their heads in understanding.

Lan Wangji had informed his mate what was about to happen a day from now, and excitement radiated from him. Both Lan Wangi, Lan Zhan, and Lan Sizhui are experts with their respective quqin. They will also attack from the air. Going over the plan of attack. Wen Rouhan suddenly spoke up.

"Wangji, I would like to fight my past self. Knock him down a peck and crush his arrogance and pride while I am at it."

Lan Wangji gave his shushu a long, hard look before he answered.

"As long as shushu does not die or get severely injured. I do not have a problem. I would still want Wen Zhuliu with you so that he will be able to help. I do not think the past Wen Zhuliu would leave his side."

"I have no problem with that Wangji."

Wen Rouhan said.

"Shufu, you and Wen Xu will watch each other's back. Make sure that you kill anyone who even thinks of coming at you."

"It will be our honor, Wangji. Don't worry ."

Both men said, and Lan Wangji nodded his head at them.

"What about us a-die?."

Lan Jingyi asked.

"This will be your first fight. You have been trained for when something like this might happen. But there is something I want you and Lan Min to know. Under no circumstances fall for their taunting. They will try to get anyone one of you alone. You stay focused and kill as many of them. Do the three of you understand. Once the fighting starts, we won't be able to watch you all the time. So it is your responsibility to watch each other and keep each other safe. Am I understood. "

He asked and told his children.

"Yes, a-die, we understand."

They said in unison. For the rest of the day, they worked out strategies and everyone's roles in the upcoming fight against the rest of the sects. They know that they are outnumbered by a great deal, but they do have one thing on their side that could turn this fight in their favor.

A-Ying had been listening and watching his mate. He could sense that there was a change in his mate. There is an authoritative aura around him. That makes him look as if he is everyones alpha here. The way they listen so attentively at him when he talks.It's strange but also extremely excited at the same time. They were always special, but they never really had to tap into that side that set them apart from others. It seems now will be the time.

Boashan had been watching the alpha since yesterday and a proudness for how he commanded everyone's attention. He was born a leader, and it's refreshing to see that finally, he had embraced his true self. Her eyes shifted towards A-Ying, thinking the same as she wondered, does these two people have any idea that they can kill these people without any of their help. A frown grazes her forehead just thinking how powerful these two are, and Wangji had displayed some of it yesterday.

"Hey Lan Zhan, you want to take a walk to the market?."

Wei Ying asked, looking at Lan Zhan.


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