Episode One

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Hello bubbles here my new story written by me and my friend/sister pls support our new work


A cute little kitty in a dense forest is trying to save his life because a dangerous animal is chasing him.

Soon, everything arounds him becomes dark.


Another side

In an elegant cottage, an old lady in her 50s is sadly sitting in the living room with the broken gifts that she bought for her grandson as a present for his 8th b'day, tomorrow.

It's already midnight and no shops were open at this time. She didn't know what else to do now and fell asleep while thinking of finding a solution.

The light of Sunrises and the sounds of birds crisping woke her up earlier...She stepped onto something soft like a mattress beside her.

"Meow" a low pitched sound of a cat was heard.

"Oo..I'm sorry you little one, how did you end up here? Huh! Look how dirty you are. Come, grandma will help you clean up."

An old lady picked a kitty up and gave him a bath which he silently accepted without protesting.

She then placed the kitty on the pillow and fed him.
The door opens, her grandson runs into her arms and stops in his tracks on seeing the cute little kitty that's sleeping peacefully in his grandma's room.

"Wow, grandma. Is this the gift you bought for me?"

"Do you like him?" Grandma asked, nervously.

"Yes, he is so cute." Her grandson replied cheerfully, stroking the kitty's fur...as a response, he heard it purring out of pleasure, half sleepily.

" *giggles* I love him, grandma. Thank you for it, this is the best gift I've ever received."

"Happy to know it, now go wash your hands and come, grandma made your favourite snacks for you to eat."

"Ok grandma."

When her grandson returns, he hears the noise of utensils in the kitchen shattering and goes there to find her grandma sitting on the floor, holding her chest, she feels hard to breathe.

"Grandma! What happened to you?"
He held his grandma, panicked and tried getting answers from her.

"I... I'm sorry, Ve..Vegas."

"No, grandma. What did you do? Why are you apologising to me?"

The little Vegas asked with watery eyes and voice slowly breaking down.

"Can you promise me something, my boy?"


"Be a good boy. Take good care of yourself, the kitty and don't leave him ok."

As little Vegas promised, his grandma died.

~ End of ep 1 ~


Written by : hatemewithallurheart

Pls support us ❣️❣️

** sorry if there are grammar mistakes

**feel free to comments your thoughts and idea's😊

**Good night/morning

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