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The drive was silent but for some reason Dante and Tommaso kept looking at me with does loving eyes. It warmed me actually and i liked that look even thought i didnt want to.

When we stopped at the airport they led me to a privet jet.

"And here i thought that you would be normal. Nor rich nor poor" Tommaso chuckled "well we're richer then rich" he pated my shoulder... HE FUCKING PATED MY SHOULDER!

"Tommaso if you ever dear to do that again" i said slowly in a dangerous and cold voice "I'll break your hand" his hand froze and i grabbed it and shooed it away.

When i was going up in the plain i head Dante's laugher and "she's vary alike like Massimo"

I dont know who Massimo is but probably my brother.

I sat down on a couch and They came up too and set down. Soon we were up in the sky.

I glanced at them when they weren't looking.

I have 9 brothers and a father. Dante and Tommaso are physically vary strong. are the others like this too? if they are and they will treat me the same way that Julie and Erick did i dont think that i will survive there for a long time. In that case i will kill them all. If they dare to touch a strand of my hair i'll kill them all. But if they dont... well i'll stay for a while and see what kind of a "family" i have had for 17 years and they havent gotten involved in my life.

They might have not known about what i was going though but they might also didnt care.

Julie didnt say anything good to me about my father. That he was a scumbag, a bastard and i was exactly like him. She didnt mention brothers even once. she mentioned Dante vary rarely. When she talked to me or yelled at me. She never said anything in a normal tone to me. She just called me names and told me shit.

I grabbed my phone and plugged my iPods in my ears. I turned on the Chase Atlantic and the Neighborhood playlist and the first song was "swim" by chase atlantic. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

I have a habit of waking up early. From 4 AM to 6 AM. And today i woke up on 5 AM. I wont be able to sleep anyway. I never can. But i guess that doesnt count for today.


I looked at Lucrezia with her eyes closed. She was finally relaxed. The whole time that we've been together she was tense and she even flinched when we hugged her. The only time that she calmed down was when she was by her friends side.

What the fuck did Julie do to her?

Lucrezia's head fell to the side uncomfortably. I got up and silently walked up to her and picked her up as slowly and carefully as i could to not wake her up.

I furrowed my brows in worry.

She was weightless. Like a feather.

I brought her in the bedroom and lied her down on the bed carefully. I took off her shoes. She turned and i froze. When she didnt move anymore i left silently.

I got back and told Tommaso "she's too thin make her a lot of food and make her eat a lot" he nodded "i was planning that. She's definitely too skinny" Tommaso pursed his lips "dad why do you think Julie took her away from us?" I shook my head "i dont know but whatever the reason was when we find her and her husband we'll torture them for kidnapping her and whatever she did to her tat made her like this" i said with venom "i have a feeling that Lucrezia wouldnt be like this for no reason. If she did something to her i'll make her death much more painful"

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