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"THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Francesco Roared at the blond girl grabbing her wrist from my hand and yanking her towards him looking down at her with so much fury that it'd kill her if it could.

"But babe! she—" Francesco tightened his grip on her making her hiss in pain and try to yank her hand out of his hold.

"i am warning you Tifany if you ever dare get close to her again i'll ruin you, your whole family and everything you own" Francesco said in a deadly tone and then added "and dont ever call me babe again. we broke up and you better get used to that" he grabbed my hand and told me in his normal voice "ready for boba?" i nodded.

"hay wait!" the blondie called after us but with one look of Francesco she shut up.

"that was the girl you were telling me about in the car?"

"i know. i have bad taste in choosing girlfriends. but hay at least she had a great body and gave excelent blowjobs" he shrugged. i gave him a side and shook my head "you're such a manwhore"

"what can i do—" i inturupted him already knowing that he was gonna say somethingrelating to sex "dont finish that sentence" he chuckled.


when we got back we gave everyone their drink but well not everyone i guess.

"has anyone seen the others?" I asked looking at the drinks on the table "oh they're in the living room" Leonardo answered. i nodded and went toward the living room.

inside Dante, Massimo and Matteo were in deep thought but i snapped them out of it with my presence.

"boba and starbucks" i handed Dante his boba and Matteo and Massimo their lattes. they each grabbed it with a thank you.

" Principessa i have a question for you" Dante said stopping me from going out of the room and i waited for him to ask.

"okay so... you see we... have a huge family. i have  three brothers and one my brothers's son has a birthday soon... and... they dont know... about... you?" i raised my brows in surprise "what?" i asked in confusion.

"we dont know what to do with you" Matteo muttered and added "we want to ask you if you have any ideas" a pregnant silent fell between us and finally i said stupidly "oh"

i have not idea why but i was disappointed and a little sad? hurt? i dont actually know what i was feeling right now but i could tell that those were emotions that i havent felt in a very long time.

"so you want to hide me?" i asked acting like this wasnt effecting me at all.

"WHAT?!" Dante gasped standing from his seat. "never! god no!" he said complitely panicking.
"no! no! no! no! no! we didnt mean it like that!" Massimo said shaking both his head and hands "hell no! not that Lucrezia! not that!" Matteo said too.

"okay okay. i get it. not like that" Dante let out a long sigh and sat back down on the couch.

Matteo cleared his throat "we wanted to ask your opinion about how we can introduce you to all of them not hide you. we just knew that if they ever found out about you we would have time to be with you so we hide you for a while. got it?" i nodded to him.

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