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when i washed my face and changed my clothes as well because it turned out that the potatoes have also dirtied them i went downstairs again and continued eating.

her outfit:

i have to admit my appetite has increased since i had come here

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i have to admit my appetite has increased since i had come here. its no surprise though. Tommaso is an excelent cook. i have eaten the foods of the best chiefs but neither of them compered to Tommaso's. i dont know where he learned such skills but he does have talant. he's only 24 and so talanted.

"Dante" Dante looked up from his plate "yes Principessa?" [princess]

"i want to go to uni again" Leonardo chocked on my words "what!?" he asked shocked. i didnt pay him any attention and kept talking to Dante "i already graduated on business but i still prefere to study business" Dante chuckled "because you already know it and it will be easy for you" i nodded "i want to learn something that will be useful to me. not things that i like like art. i know how to draw and that's enough" i said. he smiled "vary well. the university that these boys are study in i'll get you in there?"

"sure. i dont have a problem" i shrugged "hold on a minute! are we gonna let the fact that she's going to go to university again slid?!" Alexander rolled his eyes "its not that big of a deal Leo. she just wants to keep busy"

"who likes being busy?!" i side eyed him "except for you" he pointed at me. Massimo sighed and said "imagine if you had nothing to do at home" Leonardo cringed "i'd rather die"

"well compared to you Lucrezia is calm and collected and as you can see she doesnt annoy people or cause trouble. for her not to do something is probably like for you not annoying or causing trouble"

"wow. you explained really well" i said to Massimo "thank you. it's the same way with me and some of the others"

"we can tell" Nadeen said with a full mouth "swallow your food and then speak" i told her. she rolled her eyes at me "you're too proper and elegant" she said but when Leonardo scoffed she clenched her fork and knife and glared at him "and no throwing things at Leonardo" i added when she started raising her hands. she muttered something under her breath and continued eating.

before i could look away from her she thrusted her fingers in her bra which made everyone chock on their food expect for Leonardo and Alexander but they still showed their shock.

i knew she'd do something like that sometime soon so i wasnt shocked even the slightest.

Nadeen pulled out 3 small bottles which were of course filled with alcohol. she put them down on the table and rumaged through her bra again until she pulled out a wrapped paper in which must be weed.

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