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when we finally landed in Italy Lorenzo picked me up. he said that everyone was confused about her situation.

i have been worried sick since i got the call from mamma.

after we got to the house i was probably full of anxious energy and mamma had to calm me down about meeting her.

"calm down Dante! everything will be fine" she told me and i responded with "but what if she really starts pushing us away. she only came here a month ago and our father-daughter relationship just started getting better. everything could fall apart. all it takes is a single word from her. who knows what Alexander will do if he his twin starts pushing him away. Giovanni might lock himself up even more. Francesco's anger might come back again and everyone of my boys will have to suffer and she would have to suffer as well and it will all be my fault. i sent her here thinking that everything would be under control and look what happen—"

"okay shush! dont speak anymore! you speak too much"

and thats how i came to Lucrezia's door. she might be asleep but she's still my daughter and i still want to check on her.

i sighed and opened the door a little looking inside and Lucrezia was lying in bed. i started closing the door when i heard her voice "come in whoever you are" i smiled at her and walked to her bed sitting down on the edge.

she had her back turned to me "i'm sorry i didnt knock. i thought that you might be asleep and the knock might wake you up more then me looking inside" i said and she jumped up lookingback  at me and i smiled "Dante!" she said happily and my heart warmed at her soft, happy voice and the little smile on her face.

"when did you came to Italy? i thought you and everyone were coming next week" i nodded at her "we were but..." i trailed off not knowing what to say so that i wint seem bad "i killed someone" i pursed my lips "you didnt have to put it that harshly"

"but that's what happened" i nodded "i know i just... dont want to hurt your feeling or something" she chuckled "believe me it takes much more to hurt me"

"yes but—" she interrupted me "it's fine. just get to the point. i already know but still"

i sighed "through there 2 months i've realized that you dont like being called weak or gentle and yeah that must have been the reason why you killed that maid and just so you know no one is mad at you" she listened to me with attention "i just want to ask you some question. if there's something that might be personal to you you can not answer it if you dont want to answer. i'll... still try my chances" i smiled at her and she thought for a second then looked at me and scanned my face and then thought again.

i waited for her patiently looking at her every move. she still didnt trust any of us but i can see that she's trying very hard to have a decent relationship with us and we are too. i can see it in her eyes and actions that she's fighting her trust issues each time she's around us and i dont want to disappoint her. i want to prove to her that we can become the family that she wants and would wish for.

she finaly looked up at me and nodded.

the feeling of determination spread through my body.

good! another step to her trusting us even more!

"okay! then lets get comfortable!" i said and took of my shoes and hopped over beside her leaning agains the headboard.

she turned the lights beside her bed on and scopped close to me.

i cleared my throat "i dont know if this is a good question to start with but have you ever killed someone before?" i have no idea how to not make this conversation awkward but at least she didnt seem awkward "yes. i was 12. it was an accident... kinda. and since then i've killed probably more then 600 people" she shrugged as if it was nothing and i gaped at her.

LucreziaWhere stories live. Discover now