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not having Alexander by my side in Italy really left a mark cause we couldnt stop hugging each other yesterday and today we cant stop being in each others spaces.

it's weird as fuck but we really cant.

our whole lives we've been apart and now that we've finally met each other we were again seperated for a week. even though it was my choice to come here with only Massimo.

if something like this happens again i'll definitely take Alexander with me.

i told him everything that i told dad. he really didnt take it well. he was on the verge of breaking down the whole house but somehow i stopped him.

he was so mad. now i know why we are twins.

looking up from my book i asked Alexander who was looking at his phone and i had my head on his shoulder "want iced coffee?"

"totally! let make it" we got up and went in the kitchen.

he took out a vanilla icecream, ice and cold water while i took out the glasses, coffee, the mixer and sugar.

when we made it we put our straws in it and took sips "it's good" he said.

Emillio, Luciano, Apollo, Frabio and Nico walked in.

"what's going on? why are so many of you suddenly coming in?" i raised a brow in surprise.
Luciano answered "we came in to get some stuff and to tell you two that the parents decided to go out for a family dinner today and also Roman's coming to Italy today" i freeze at his words "and we are gonna go to pick him up and he's gonna have dinner with us" Fabio added.

i was probably deep in thought and everyone noticed that.

"hello? earth to Lucrezia" Nico said. i snapped my gaze at him "yeah. so finally i'll meet him" i said as if it didnt have any meaning to me but fuck it does!

i took a sip of the coffee trying to distract myself from thinking about it.

"wont he be tired from his flight?" Alexander asked and Apollo shrugged "i dunno. he said that he'd be fine"

i'm gonna die of anxiousness.

i cleared my throat "when are we leaving?"

"at 6. so be ready" Emillio told us and we nodded and after they grabbed some stuff from the kitchen they left.

i sighed and then groaned "Alexander" i said seriously "are you good at keeping secrets?"

his brows furrowe "yes... ?" i nodded "then keep this one" i sighed "Roman is my... ex" the silence stretched for 1 2 3 second before he exclamed "what do you—what?!" i pursed my lips.

"nuhuh! Roman is dead! how dare he! wait! you're seventeen now... and he's 29.... how old where you back then!?!"

"umm... 12"

"what?!" he yelled "no! nope! you're not meeting him! he's not getting close to you!" i hushed him "keep it the fuck down! he... did nothing wrong... i did... probably in his eyes..."

the silence stretched again "what the hell does that mean?!" he whisper yelled "okay... sooo i kinda... killed his parents"

"you what?!" he yelled again. i smacked his arm "stop screaming the whole house down" he was gaping at me and i dont think he even listened to what i just said "you killed his parents? why?" he swallowed and i sighed "they were... not normal. after the car crash that they had they both had some kind of a brain damage and... i dont know why but they were planning on killing Roman. i doted on him back then. he was the only one i actually felt at home with and... i couldnt let them hurt him. especially kill him. so i killed them and... Roman walked in exactly then... that's what happened"

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