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i was having a nightmare when i jolted awake. i was sweating and breathing heavily. the realization that i wasnt a defenseless child who Julie and Erick did horible things to. i sighed. i checked the time and sighed again. 5:23. although it has been long since woke up after five A.M. but not complaining at all.

i got up and went to take a shower.

i started having nightmares after Erick and Julie brought men in the house to rape me. i was 8 and they brought five men. it was horrible and disguising. i blamed myself for the night. i felt disguised by myself. i hated myself. everything about me. i always felt their hands on me. as if they were always by my side. whispering disguising words in my ear. i came to believed in those words. that i was a slut, a whore that i shouldnt have been born and that i should be happy that they're fucking me. i almost gave up my life for that too. but i dont care about them anymore. it has been 7 years since i stopped believing them.

i got out of the shower and got dressed in green button down romper.

her outfit:

 i grabbed my phone and went downstairs in the kitchen

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 i grabbed my phone and went downstairs in the kitchen. i prepared a big mug of coffee and sat down by the stool to watch The Vampire Daries's fourth season.

i first started watching it 3 years ago but i couldnt get  myself to watch even thought i wanted to. it interested me but i just forgot about it because i started reading a lot of book then usual at the time. 

soon the kitchen door opened and Massimo appeared yawning. when he saw me he lifted his eye brows "isnt it too early for you to be up?" he asked "no" i said. he made coffee in a big mug for himself too and sat down beside me.

"do you always wake up this early?" i took a sip and answered "yes"


"does this family always asks so much questions?" i asked. it was getting on my nerves that he was asking me about myself  "no. but i want to know about you. your my baby sister after all"

"baby sister?" i clutched my mug so tightly that it broke in my hand. hot coffee spilled over my hand and the shards of glass cut through my flash. it started to ache from the burns and cuts but i didnt make a sound. i didnt even have my attention on it. 

baby sister! baby!

"Lucrezia!" Massimo yelled making me flinch and he pulled me from my seat by my waist before the coffee could spill on my legs.

Massimo turned me to face him and grabbed my burnt hand. he looked at the burn with worry. i tried to pull my wrist away from him but he held it tightly. 

he lifted his hand and i thought that he was about to slap me but he didnt. i watched as his hand wrapped around my waist and he lifted me up in his hands.


"hay put me down" i hissed at him but he started running upstairs. he knocked on someones door and yelled "MATTEO OPEN THE DOOR!" it did and Matteo looked at Massimo annoyed but when he saw me in his arms he opened the door for Massimo to go in.

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