The Tranquil Traveler (Edited)

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Year: 1888
Location: China

In the sky, the soft rays of the early morning sun began to slowly peak over and wake the residents of a peaceful little waterfront town. The layout of the town was like a web due to the water paths of the river running through.

The residents within the town were getting ready to do their daily routine of preparing to sell their goods on both land and their little boats on the river. Goods consisting of flowers, fruits, bamboo crafts, pastries, tea, and silk. Along with foreign goods from traveling merchants.

 Some of those residents were getting ready to go to the restaurant in town to start preparing for another day of hard work.

As the adult residents of the town went to work, some of the children living in the village were either out and about playing or still asleep.

While the town was coming to life at the dawn of a new day, a mountain enveloped in mist was about 10 kilometers away from the village. Residing high within the mist-covered mountain was a large mansion encased by walls with a large gate.

Inside the mansion, someone was sitting down by a window and humming a calming tune. Sipping a cup of tea in one hand while the other held an opened letter.

"Hmm... Oh~?" They mused with their smooth and deep voice.

A smirk formed on their violet-stained lips after reading a certain line from the letter that intrigued them.

Setting the letter down, the person quickly finished off their tea and stood from their seat to clean the cup. Putting the cup away, they began stepping through their home.

"Oh boys~!" They called out.

"Even though I just got home, something new had just called my attention! So, I'll be gone for a while again! Please do behave and take care of the animals!"

Entering the master bedroom, the person immediately started packing for the new journey that they'll be making.










"My, my! Quite a party that we have here!"

From the sudden arrival of someone new, those within the Joestar party jumped in alarm, for the new person appeared out of nowhere almost like a ghost, no noise being made whatsoever.

Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Poco's eyes were wide in awe of the new person, especially with their height. Speedwagon and Poco, along with Jonathan himself, thought he was the tallest person that they could ever come across, but it was proven wrong by the person before them. The new arrival was a whole head taller than the blue-haired man and bore a strong physique.

The stranger bore an androgynist appearance, the perfect mix of feminine and masculine with tan skin.

The stranger's violet hair was long and curly, reaching down to their feet. It was styled in a low ponytail and had a long braid on the left side, along with a few strands framing their face. On top of their head was a trio of small horns poking from their hair.

On the sides of their cheeks were cinnabar-colored scale tattoos. Their eyes were hidden behind a black lacy blindfold, making it impossible to see what they looked like. Their lavender-stained lips were curled into a tranquil smile with a beauty mark on the upper left corner. As the person smiled, they showed off their white teeth and their sharp canines.

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