Reunion (Edited)

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Meibao blankly glared at the two German soldiers, feeling disgusted as they groped the fearful and uncomfortable woman, along with their anger rising.

Silently, they slowly exhaled through their nose and quietly snuck up on them, the two soldiers not noticing their presence until they saw the women staring up at them since they had a clear view of them.

Meibao didn't give them a chance to react as they smashed their heads together and knocked them out, dropping them, and stomping on one of their heads.

Looking back at the woman, Meibao's expression softened, "Vamos, "they told them.

The woman quickly nodded and started to leave, quietly thanking them as they left. Once the woman left, the black expression came back to Meibao's face as they silently glared at them. Curling their lip in disgust, Meibao harshly kicked the head of one of the soldier's about to wake up.


Looking up, Meibao saw a horribly disguised Joseph with a basket of tequila, his eyes wide at the sight before him.

"...Hurry up and steal one of their uniforms, "Meibao ordered their tone not in their usual laid-back one.

Joseph quickly nodded and did as he was told, not wanting to concur Meibao's rare bout of wrath even more than it was right now. He'd only seen it a very few times, but he knew how terrifying it can be.

"...I'll follow you in a bit..., "Meibao said once Joseph was finished, "Go inside and find Speedwagon."

Joseph quickly nodded again and ran into the base, Meibao watched and listened for his footsteps to disappear before they moved again.

With a slow, silent exhale, Meibao took the back of the German soldier's uniforms and began dragging them off somewhere to... properly dispose of them...

Once at a proper location, a blade came out of their arm and they swiftly cut through the two soldiers, silencing them for good.

The soldier's blood pooled and splattered onto Meibao's clothes.

But Meibao didn't care. They were too livid to care if their clothes were messed up right now.

For several long minutes, Meibao emotionlessly stared down at the fresh corpses until they sighed and took out a handkerchief, beginning to wipe off the blade before they put it away. They then went off to change into a fresh set of clothes before they entered the base.


For several minutes, nobody noticed Meibao's presence in the room. The violet-haired individual just silently watched the sight before them.

The floor was bloodied and ridden with fresh corpses, and there were four men, preferably, 3 men and a fool still standing. Well, one was sitting.

Meibao blankly glared at the blond general through their blindfold, feeling their eyes twitch in annoyance from all the nonsense he was spouting. Sneaking up behind him, Meibao raised their hand and smacked him so hard that he got knocked out.

"Enough. From the clown, "they grumbled.

"Mei!" Joseph exclaimed.

"Mei!!" Speedwagon shouted in relief, "Mei! You must do something!"

Meibao glanced at the elderly man and then at the vermillion-haired Pillar Man. Santana perked up a little and began to sniff the air.

For a few seconds, Meibao silently stared at them until a large grin formed on their lips.

"Why isn't it my little cousin!! Santan!!"

Meibao then laughed and lunged at the Pillar Man, almost knocking him down, the two other men staring in shock.

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