Profile (Edited)

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Name: Meibao Jun

Aliases: The Tranquil Traveler, (To be determined/not revealed yet)

Age: Mid 20s (physically), ~12,000 (Chronologically)

Height: 7'5"

Gender: Ambiguous

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Adventurer, Fashion Designer, Monster Hunter (part time), Scientist

Likes: Fashion, performance, experimenting, traveling, playing pranks/teasing, sweets, food, fighting, rambling about their interest and knowledge

Dislikes: Their outfits being ruinined, injustice, Kars

Personality: Extremely confident in themselves, along with fearless and daring. Nonchalant and playful towards others that they feel close with, though unsympathetic and somewhat callous towards those that they don't like, often disrespecting and insulting them. Energetic and freethinking researcher and explorer and rather observant and perceptive. Though they have a bit of a dark side to themselves that they rarely show to others.

They are strong willed with a great mental and emotional fortitude.

Whenever they are fighting, a monster for example, they often do it in a playful yet brutal manner, gaining a thrill from it. It's very rare for them to go into a frenzied state. They also enjoy taunting and teasing their enemies and friends alike.

Even with their demeanor, they can express genuine care and sympathy. They also have a philanthropic side. They can be emotionally vulnerable when the situation calls for it. They are also not above expressing anger or hatred.

They enjoy being cheeky, sassy, and flamboyant. They also holds a high value of their own appearance.

They might not look like it but, they do enjoy being a mentor figure to others and sharing their knowledge.

They can do things, that others would find troubling, without much or any difficulty, they just don't do it though since they want to watch each desicion and outcome created. They will intervine if it was called for.

They like to do their own thing.



-Weapon efficiency

-Martial arts

-Various monster hunting techniques

-Pillar men abilities

-4th wall awareness

-Enhanced vision

-(Various unrevealed abilities)


-How others view them, they think of them somewhat as a nonchalant, easy-going older sibling.

-Everything about their past and origins are shrouded in mystery. They would tell a few stories here and there, but they sound a bit vague.

-They hold their grandmother in high regard.

-They have a twin.

-They have the habit of appearing like a ghost and scaring others.

-They met Santana ~5,000 years ago when he sunk himself into Esidisi's belongings when he went to China.

-They are fond of children.

-As of now, they have 3 adoptive sons and wish to increase the amount. (Bucciarati core)

-Has an... unusual hobby...

-Has an unknown body count.

-The amount of secrets they hold is unknown.

-They know more than they let on.

-Voice claim: Testament from Guilty Gear Strive.

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