Prologue (Edited)

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"Excuse me, sir?"

The owner of the antique booth jumped, being caught completely off guard by the sudden appearance of a mysterious customer who came in like a ghost.

"I have asked around and heard that you have a stone mask, and I have been meaning to buy it from you."

Still a bit shaken, the booth owner observed the mysterious customer. They were incredibly tall, taller than any person they had ever since. Especially with the muscular physique they sport.

Their face couldn't be seen due to the large silk-veiled bamboo hat that they wore. Only the lower part of their face could be seen. Showing their lavender-stained lips that were curved into a smile full of tranquility. A beauty mark on the upper left corner of their lips, a closed paper fan resting in their right hand and lightly tapping against their chin.

Trailing behind them were long strands of curly violet hair, styled in a half-up and half-down hairstyle, and some framing their face.

It was hard to tell what gender they were.

"Uh... Ahem. Yes, well I did, "the booth owner replied, "You're unfortunately too late. Someone else bought it just a moment ago."

"Oh... Really?" The mysterious individual owlishly said.

"Yep. It was by... that gentleman over there."

Turning their head to see where the booth owner was pointing, in the distance was a nobleman and a woman. A lovely married couple.

In the hands of the man was a stone mask and a suitcase to hold it in. While in the woman's, she was cradling a small baby that couldn't be any more than a month old.

They were both smiling and discussing something, the woman looking excited as she looked at the mask. A look of intellectual wonder of what kind of mysteries the mask may hold. The look of a scholar.

"Yeah, sorry, "the voice of the booth owner broke the mysterious customer out of their thoughts.

"Oh no! It's fine!" The individual waved their hand as they let out a small laugh, "It's completely fine! I'm glad that I'm not the only one interested in items such as that mask!"

The individual's smile widened as they turned their head to glance back at the small family, watching as the mask was placed in the suitcase before it was closed.

"Besides, I believe that an interesting turn of events will occur..."

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