New Era (Edited)

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People watched in awe as an extremely tall and well-dressed individual walked the streets of New York. They wore white strapless dresses, showing off their muscular but slim form. There were roses around their waist and down to their thigh, along with a few near their neckline.

On their head was a large-brimmed white hat with a black ribbon tied around it with a large rose topping it off. Along with the hat was a long white and black dotted veil kept secure with a black ribbon.

Their white heels clacked against the pavement as their long violet and curly hair styled in a braid swayed along with each step.

The upper part of their face was hidden by the hat's brim, but their lavender-stained lips were formed in a smile.

Their pointed ears were adorned with long, dangly pearl earrings and cuffs. Around their neck was a black choker and some cinnabar-colored scale tattoos.


"Now... Where could he be...?"

Currently, Meibao is trying to find a certain young man.

Soon enough, their attention was attracted to a pained scream in a nearby alleyway, instantly knowing that they found him.

With a casual strut, when Meibao arrived at the entrance of the alleyway, they saw two police officers rolling on the floor and squealing in pain. One was holding his hand that had his finger broken into pieces, bits of bone sticking out. While the other had his finger peeking out of their broken nose.

Meibao didn't need a diagnosis to know that these two would forever be traumatized and be off duty for a while.

Letting out an amused huff, Meibao turned their head to see a bleeding dark-skinned teenager and a panicking Joseph Joestar. With a silent sigh, Meibao placed a hand on their hip and cleared their throat.

"Mei!!" Joseph beamed at the sight of them.

Glancing over at the boy, who looked intimidated by their height, and then at the whimpering police officers, Meibao let out a sigh and shook their head.

"Granny Erina is gonna be furious!!"

Meibao scoffed, "She won't as long as she doesn't find out~!"

"Now, c'mon! Before help comes along!

Meibao took hold of the back of Joseph's shirt and hefted the black teen over their shoulder, "Hold on tight!"

And with that, Meibao started booking it and away from the crime scene, a yelp of shock coming from the black teen's mouth at the sudden speed.


Once a good distance away at a bridge, Meibao put the teen down and let go of Joseph's shirt.

"I really owe you big time, "the black teen thanked, "Everyone calls me Smokey, and I would really like it if you told me your names."

Joseph stood up straight, his foot kicking the ground and kicking up some dust, and smirked, "It's Joestar, Joseph Joestar, "he brought a hand over his face, "My friends call me Jojo."

Scoffing, Meibao pushed their hand against his face, smooshing it.

"Meibao, my dear, but feel free to call me Mei, "they grinned.

"Mei!!" Joeseph whined, his cool introduction ruined by his godparent.

Taking out their pocket watch, Meibao took a look at the time and hummed a little.

"We have to get going or we'll be late. You can come along, Smokey, if you want, "Meibao offered before beginning to move.

Smokey was confused about how the violet-haired individual was able to see what the time was when they had a black, lacy blindfold covering their eyes, but soon shrugged as he joined Joseph in accompanying them to Erina's apartment.

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