The Chase (Pt 1.)

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Meibao, Santana, and Nakia were waiting in a car that the violet-haired individual owned. Unlike the car that the others were in, it wasn't opened-roofed and the windows were tinted, allowing Santana to be protected from the sun. It also allowed the others to be able to see inside the car, which was a good thing since Meibao brought out Esidisi's brain have to an impromptu therapy session with Santana. Meibao as the therapist.

Luckily the car was soundproof as well...

Because Santana was wrestling with Esidisi's brain while insulting each other as Nakia was sweatdropping and trying to calm them down. As for Meibao, they watched in amusement as the two duked it out.

That is until there was a knock on Meibao's window, leading to them quickly snatching Esidisi's brain back from Santana and stuffing it back into the drawstring bag. To others besides those within the car and Meibao, the drawstring was an infinite storage bag.

Pulling the bag closed, Meibao swiftly composed themselves before rolling the window down to see Messina.

"We're about to go soon, "he informed, gaining a nod from Meibao.

Nodding in return, Messina began to walk back to Caesar's car and in the back seat with Lisa Lisa.

Meibao watched as the other's went first as Suzie Q, who was recovering from Esidisi's possession, waved as they left and looking worried and sad. Leaning back into the driver's seat, Meibao turned the key and turned the engine on, but they waited for a moment. Which was the right call when the red car turned back around and the car stopped a few feet away from the blonde maid.

Meibao chuckled as they watched the little exchange between Joseph and Suzie Q, snorting when the brunette teased Suzie and she teasingly threw a rock while calling him a "stupid jerk".

Shaking their head, Meibao rolled the window back up.

"This'll be a long ride~! So we might as well get the most fun we can out of it~!" Meibao drawled.

They then put pedle to the metal and drove after the the others, Nakia yelping at the sudden speed as Santana clutched onto anything that he could get his hands on.


The sun was close to setting when the Joestar Party 2.1 were finally able to catch up to the train carrying the Red Stone. Both cars parked near the train in the middle of Switzerland, snow covering practically every spot of land.

Meibao chortled as they watched Messina wake Joseph by slamming his elbow onto his head. They got out of their car moments ago, leaving Santana and Nakia in theirs.

"They're going through their customs check as the moment, "Messina informed.

"That works in our favor, "Lisa Lisa added, "We're less than an hour from St. Moritz. Which leaves us enough time to get ready. It's good we caught up."

"Come on, Jojo! Look sharp!" Caesar said.

The second after Caesar spoke, there was a car horn that sounded from behind, Meibao's grin tightening the very moment it did, their fists clenching.

"Listen. I'm just saving up my strength for the big battle that's all!" Joseph huffed, the car horn sounded a second time, "Get off my case!"

The car horn sounded a third time.

"Let's hurry up and get there so we can retrieve that stone!"

The car horn sounded a fourth and fifth time, making the annoyance of both Meibao and Joseph increase.

"Then, we're gonna need some sort of plan for the final fight with Wamuu!" Joseph included.

"We'll wait for that until we can get across, "Caesar replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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